quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

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quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby Goury » Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:09 pm

i have a quess:
1) can i use ged pro and compile game w/o logo in case of publishin source code under gpl licen ?
2) can this game be commercial (so ill send source code to every player who asks me of it) ?
i dont really plan of drmin game but some profit is acceptable

also 3) if the (2) is not acceptable - can i open source to everyone, w|o any drm and with permission to play game for free but also sellin it for profit (for those ones who wants to buy it, call it sellin of digital things like fancy paid download button on mah site) ?

PS: i adress this topic to devs coz its not matter of licensin but of their will
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby makslane » Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:55 pm

You can do anything if your game is open source using the GPL v3 license.
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby Goury » Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:19 pm

k, where can i get my free version of ged pro? =) (based on
If you will not charge for your game, you can just download Game Editor binary files and use it

or do i must compile one myself?

also i heard rumor so i need to send ma game to devs so they will remove logo even if game compiled with ged pro
is this just dirty rumor or sad truth?
coz i think that disability to compile game w/o ged logo is bad idea and ill sure hack source to remove this useless feature and then release "logoless ged fork" under gpl
but i dont want to do so
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby makslane » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:12 pm

Sorry, but the splash is not an useless feature for the Game Editor community.
This is a way to spread the Game Editor across the world.
Game Editor is an open source game creator software that's wants to pay it's developers to keep evolving.
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby Goury » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:47 pm

im sure that its the worst way to do so
in fact there is nohting to very little of good rad multiplatform tools and absolutley no single free (as speech not as beer)
if the ged offer sumthin good to indie devs to make app to sell or whatever they want they will use ged coz there is no alternatives
but ged logo (sry but it looks really stupid and it looks muh more stupid when we faces really good-made game or even not game at all) makes them to use something that allows them to brand their software
im sure that its okay to include ged to credits but forcing to do so in the only and very annoyin way is bad idea

bout pricin - $99 yearly is okay but no single indie can afford spend 1800 bucks for makin iphone game
there is just no way, indian salaries is not enough so they wont

also im sure so havin notice in credits about possibility of DLin source of the game from here is much better way than annoyin logo:
1) a lot less ppl will use software with forced annoyin ogo than with licen which asks to place link in credits
2) even is somebody will make good popular game with geds logo it will cause just flood od useless lamers, not devs who have money or c skills - devs who interested in makin game with rad will read credits anyway

so i am hardly disagree with your position about forced annoyin ugly logo
at least make it stylish and give options to user about its usage
may i have some suggestions bout it ?
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby krenisis » Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:39 pm

Makslane,akr,hblade,or skydereign can you please delete this usless topic. We dont need useless topics filling up our webspace thank you.
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby DST » Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:33 pm

I don't feel it is a useless topic at all. A potential customer is voicing his/her complaints, you should answer them, not call them useless. That is the first point of business.
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby Goury » Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:12 am

yeah, this is matter of copyracism fact and fact that i absolutley disagree with any form of copyracism and will never deal with anyone who sick with it
also this is matter of fact im already made few games (stable alpha now) and now i must deceide what to do:
1) in case of changin copyracism policy of ged i will release this games or some of this games with sources
2) if not, i will fork ged or port games to pure sdl

in case of porting games to pure sdl (if copyracism is too strong) ged community will get nothin but their logo

2 krenisis: mine site have google pr 3 and domain name 7 letters long so im sure my games will help ged community much more than yours
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby akr » Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:43 am

I think we have one of the fairest lic modells
If u are interrested in the pro vers we will prov u one w/o splash
If u are interrested in similar lic models look at gamesalad.com
We are working on 1.5. We think about having the newest vers not
on gpl anyway. If the newest vers is n, then n-1 and below is gpl.
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Re: quession bout gpl, commerce nd everythin

Postby Goury » Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:39 am

so bout pro version - is it truth that ill need 2 send binary 2 devs so theyll remove this ugly logo or it compiles binaries w|o logo itself ?
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