[WIP]-Free City

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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby tzoli » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:18 pm

I aceept every donation(not money). :)
You wrote a long text there and it's really instructive.
I might use your radar code redesigned for a minimap but I wll see that. I hope it could handle like 10000(or 5000 or 2500 etc.) items at once.
I will always update the new infos.
Currently in-development/done in the development version:
-More fluent map moving [Done]
-Inustrial zone, building, tax [Done]
-Corrected IDtoX() function.(Before:lox=id-lox*100; After:[i]lox=id-loy*100;[/i) [Done]
-Info button(to get information about buildings and people) [In-development]
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby Lacotemale » Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:23 pm

Sent you the song link in a PM. :)

I think the GUI could be made better, I will show a mockup maybe tomorrow of what would be better.
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby GEuser » Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:28 am

tzoli, here's a quick set of tiles:-
.png verson:

The .bmp version was too large (1.2mb) so had to .zip for upload (40.7kb):
(40.73 KiB) Downloaded 159 times

Decided to check whether you'd actually like these beffore doing any more.

    * Residential/commercial/leisure (pond/lake parks, fountain/plazas).
    * Agricultural (crops at different states of ripening, various miscellaneous buildings)
    * Trees (with illustration on technique used)

    * Roads (with pedestrian over-bridge, bus stop)

    * Rivers/Cannals (with pedestrian over-bridge)
    * Various templates used for making tiles. I've included the palette colors used for each catagory of tiles.

Tried to keep to your original style for a simple look so deliberately kept the detail low on the buildings (there's only so much you can do on 32 x 32 px image I suppose). These are only a quick demo anyway. Let me know what you think (no problem if you don't like them).

tzoli wrote:I might use your radar code redesigned for a minimap but I wll see that. I hope it could handle like 10000(or 5000 or 2500 etc.) items at once.

It will probably need re-doing from scratch and completely alter how it does stuff. Anyway, have a look at it if you want, no pressure to use it though.
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby tzoli » Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:21 am

WOW. :shock:
Thanks for the sprites... I wouldn't believe that this game will get this much interest.
I will start to implement them soon :)
These textures are awesome. :D

So these will be in the new version(Indev=In-development):
-More fluent map moving [Done]
-Inustrial zone, building, tax [Done]
-Corrected IDtoX() function.(Before:lox=id-lox*100; After:[i]lox=id-loy*100;[/i) [Done]
-Info button(to get information about buildings and people) [Indev]
-New obiects and retextures (thanks to GEuser) [Indev]
- Ingame music (thanks to Lacotemale)

Thanks for the help. You guys are awesome :D
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby GEuser » Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:35 am

Good to see the progress on the new versions.

Did some more artwork. Used a new technique which I think I'll share on the forum sometime.

here's the .png:

Larger .bmp was zipped:
(33.74 KiB) Downloaded 151 times

This 2nd version contains:

1. Industrial Units on 3 different terrains (including various water works).

2. Water pipes (for when you decide to do power supply part). Did various designs so you have choice of several.

3. Power lines for when you do the electriccity stuff & all. (colored them in red but your can easily color fill with whatever you prefer.

Now need to do some military stuff, airport, seaport, ferry stop. Let me know if your looking for anything in particular on the artwork side of things.

Don't forget to keep us updated :D
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby tzoli » Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:04 am

Thanks :) I already implemented some of the commercial and residental buildings.
I updated the main menu a bit.
The next version is close to the release. :)
I implement the info button and the new textures to the industrial area and then I release the 0.2 version :)
I'm planning a world generator to the 0.3 and I should implement a save system too.
Again thanks for the textures :) They are really helpful.
The textures and the music seemed to be the only problem but now they are resolved. :D
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby Lacotemale » Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:23 pm

Excellent! Looking forward to trying the new release! :)
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby tzoli » Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:41 pm

Lacotemale wrote:Excellent! Looking forward to trying the new release! :)

No need to wait :D
I officially release the 0.2 version.
Download+Changelog is at the first post.
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby GEuser » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:50 am

@ Lacotemale

fsimc has some atmospheric music now thanks to you :)

@ tzoli

More graphics (railway rack / stations, seaport, marina, ferry dock, airport, Crossings: road/rail, road/river, rail / river)
.png :

zipped .bmp :
(38.73 KiB) Downloaded 163 times

It's comming along very well now tzoli.

The front end was a good idea (credts, start, etc..). This would be good place to add your help manual in the future. I really like the info addition and the comments of the people. I was chuffed to learn that my people liked me as their mayor :)

I hope you don't mind and think I'm trying to tell you how to make your game by making all these suggestions. I just like these kinds of games and would like to help out with suggestions.

I have noticed some things to improve for future versions:-

1. Like you said the repeat keys do get stuck, goes on crazy scroll :lol It's unfortuate because it works really well when it behaves itself. I beleive their are several solutions on the forum (haven't had a look).

[EDIT] Oh! A possible solutiion. Might be easier to do a 'any key down' event for 'movin' and then use switch & GetKetState() to test which key has been pressed. You will have less events to worry about (just this one) and it will be easier to debug navigating around the map.

2. The X and Y text on the right of map view does not always update as you scroll the view.

3. People comments. Some residents say they are not close to a road. I think you should change this so that people can leave more than 1 tile away from a road. In future it will help you because players will use less roads and it will be easier for you the manage more advvanced features like travel stats (statistics like congestion, pollution, less roads less things to code & do. Of course, animating/simulating traffic will also be easier for later on).

4. Corner roads. Think the corner roads on tile set I gave looks better because the road marking are not shrape like yours but follow th curve of the road. Worth replacing with curved roadmarks from tile set?

Recommendations for menu options (don't know what you'll call them in the end but here are some examples):-

* ZONING -> Residential, Marketing, Industrial

* CIVIC BUILDINGS -> Town Hall, Statues

* LEISURE FACILITIES -> Trees, Park, Plaza, Baseball Court, Marina, etc...

* EDUCATION FACILITIES -> Nursery, School, College, Library, University, etc...

* HEALTH FACILITIES -> Dental Surgery, Health Clinic, Hospital,etc...

* EMERGENCY SERVICES -> Police Station, Fires station

* TRANSPORT FACILITIES -> Road, railway track, ferry route, bridge, Bus stop, railway station, ferry dock etc...

* WATER FACILITES -> Water Pipes, Water Pumps, etc..

* POWER FACILITES -> Power lines, Electric plant, Solar Plant, etc...

Can't think of anymore ... no ... mind gone blank :lol


Using switch()?
I've noticed that your using a lot of nested if()..else() statements. You would make things run faster and more efficiently if you use the switch() statement. This is because the computer will have to do extra work each time it comes across an 'if()...else()' where as with the switch() it only needs to do it once.

Used the switch() for the following alaphely codes. You can see that it will also make it easier for you to make new addition. Just add another case for another cloneindex. The "break;" is important because prevents running other cases when it's done the case it's on. The "default: your code; break;" is super useful when you need to add a safety net or default values. Say if none of the cases get matched than switch() will run the default part. For the alaphely left it blank. It's good practice to add 'default' in a switch() statements even when your not using it (helps to catch stuff with accidental or error prone values).

fsimc works fine when I added these changes. If you like it. I recommand you change the other codes bits too.

EVENT: alaphely->Draw Actor
Code: Select all
        case 0: ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "ut2", FORWARD); break;
        case 1: ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "househely", FORWARD); break;
        case 2: ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "markethely", FORWARD); break;
        case 3: ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "iparhely", FORWARD); break;
        case 4: ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "pohiv", FORWARD); break;
        default: break; // do nothing

EVENT: alaphely->mouse button down (left)
Code: Select all
        case 0: build=2; break;
        case 1: build=3; break;
        case 2: build=4; break;
        case 3: build=8; break;
        case 4: build=5; break;
        default: break; // do nothing

Using structs()?
Think structs would be really useful for alot of the things your doing here. It will make your coding life a lot easier. I'm still learning about them. Might be good to have a look.

Currently working on more tiles...

I have a lot more to say but I've forgotten what it is :lol
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby tzoli » Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:11 am

Again a long and instructive post :)
First thanks for the graphics!
1) I tried to compensate that whit a little script which only mives the screeb at the 3rd KeyDown(repeat) event. As I see it isn't working very vell
2) I know... The problem is that I'm not moving anything ingame just rwo variable changes(the base X and the base Y named atileX,atileY) and the mouse enter doesn't have a repeat function :)
3) I will reconsider that if you think it will be a good idea.
4) They do but they have a little problem that I haven't fixed yet. The yellow line is one pixel misplaced from where it's supposed to be. The next version vill use your tiles
Good Ideas. I will see when I can implement it.
You are absolutely right. I should use some switch instead of if() else();
This thing remained from PHP that I always use if else. Altough some places I remain with the if() else because I migh coigure that one to a complex conditional statement.

I dont remember learning structs() from PHP. I'll take a look at them.

Now after answering here is some news that wasn't mentioned before in this post:
-I've decided to make the game multilingual with using language files like en.lang hu.lang etc.(stored the variables in those) and make an applicaton that can create those for te game.
NOTE: the xy.lang will be saved with saveVars(); so it's not a new format :)
NOTE2: Multilanguage might not support "custom" caracters like é á ő ú etc.
-The new game will have a map generator that generates forests and rivers.
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby Lacotemale » Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:42 pm

fsimc has some atmospheric music now thanks to you :)

Thanks GEuser! 8)

Hey tzoli here is a little GUI mockup:

I think this would be better! :)

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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby tzoli » Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:15 pm

I will think of redesigning like that :)
I should make a poll for it.
What do you think?
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby Lacotemale » Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:30 pm

I don't think enough people will respond to a poll. :D

..but I really think this style of GUI would be better! The tax could be presented in a dialog above the map too!

Check out the finished mockup with the tax (+ other stuff) dialog too:


I think it would be better, anyone else agree? :)
Last edited by Lacotemale on Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby tzoli » Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:36 pm

Wow this looks awesome.
With some little changes it could be implemented
The problem is that the map system was made only for a 10x10(320x320) map :S
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Re: [WIP]-Free City

Postby MrJolteon » Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:48 pm

Lacotemale wrote:Image

Is it just me, or does that GUI mockup look just like the one in SimCity 3000?
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