here is Draw Dude, a game where you can draw out a level and play it,
you draw the level and the ground seperatly,
in test mode use the left and right arrow keys to go left and right,
use the up arrow to jump,
to draw the ground click on the tab that says ground,
then left click on the background anywhere to draw the ground,
to erase the ground use the right mouse button,
to draw the level you can select the size of the pen by clicking on the scrolling bar and dragging it to a position on the slide,
there is a Number display to the right of this scrolling bar.
to change the drawing color click on the furthest tab to the left,
you can either select black orwhite (black and white graphics are best for stickman games I believe.) .
you draw the level the same way you draw the ground,
left mouse button is draw,
right mouse button is erase..
here are some level pictures of levels I made with the version of Draw Dude I have uploaded.
in test mode:
same thing but in draw mode:
still the same thing,
only in ground draw mode:
these are just simple drawn examples,
I hope you enjoy!