submitting data to online scripts

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

submitting data to online scripts

Postby oswald » Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:16 am

Would be great being able to send data from a game to a cgi script on some online server to realize online highscores and similar things...
Would be also cool if the program can catch such data from a website... to update the programs internal highscore list...
And better documentation of the scripting language would be nice, too.
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Postby Editor » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:04 pm

We all wish that could happen. Problem is its hard to do and can be awfully slow, so for now it's just a dream.
Game Editor is great... If only I could afford the full version...
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Postby oswald » Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:15 pm

Hmmmm.... maybe an external routine could do the trick? Something that runns in the background while the maingame is running. This tool could send the data from the locally stored scores and also get them from an online source to write them back into the local file!?
Just an idea....
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