SAVe options?

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SAVe options?

Postby toshiro » Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:41 pm

is it posible to save other things than just player position in a game, is it posiblie to save transpearancy,events that are enabled, animation farme position, paths , new actors that were created? if anyone knows how to code for any save functions other than just player position please post a reply. thanx in advance :twisted:
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Re: SAVe options?

Postby DilloDude » Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:05 pm

You can save anything you want too. All you do is make some variables to store the value you want to save, and put them in a save group. Then, when you want to save, copy those variables in, and use saveVars. When you want to load, use loadVars, and then copy them back.
If you want to be more complicated, you can write your own script to save things, which can be a pain but does have some advantages as well.
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