Tell me. I'm having a little kind of undesireable bug (
Well, I suppose bugs ARE actually undesireable, afterall )
on collision with actor Ground, I have a Physical Response action with the following parameters :
PhysicalResponse ( MOVE_EVENT_ACTOR_ONLY,USE_CALCULATED_MASS, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 1.000 );
So my main actor is stopped after a jump . . . the simple thing. The little bug actually is that sometimes ( not everytime ) my main actor has difficulty to jump, as if pulled by some kind of " gravitational force "
You know what I mean ?
It doesn't do this when I declare that on collision with Ground, yvelocity = 0. But using that method means obtaining
another bug. After a jump, main actor doesnt fall
ON the ground but a little bit
A l'aide !