I am working on a trade simulation game. 2d top down but i have a problem i have not figured out yet.
there will be other traders moving around the world map that will need their locations direction speed etc..
remembered and actively plotted so they update location properly.
so how do i "minimize" them when they are off-screen/out of view (view range may be less than screen size)
when they are off screen i only need ID, location, cargo, destination, and speed... i think but no sprite or animation
no checking if they want to attack or run(well a simplified quick combat system for them attacking each other)
no worry about their view range.
how can I accomplish switching from Minimum to Full cleanly I am not even sure how to setup such a thing.
I am trying to avoid sudden slowdowns/invisible traders/glitches/ traders popping up seemingly randomly
my biggest concern is how many such traders i would be able to have active at any 1 point due to the size of the planned world it could be in the range of a few hundred.
I appreciate everyone who reads this and has any tips or thoughts I welcome all comments and criticism.
haven't used C since like 1996 so the answer may be obvious but I have lost most of what I knew