My thoughts - Open source, Future target platforms

Questions, comments and discussion about the Game Editor development.

My thoughts - Open source, Future target platforms

Postby platformkid » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:36 am

Dear Masklane

I'm glad you finally chose to do a transition to open source, I recall the discussion
about that possibility a while ago ; that's great you finally decided to take the jump.

I hope this move will help to develop and strengthen the GE community.
Game Editor is a marvellous tool and deserves to be known and used in many

About the next target platforms, my thought is that the real opportunities for
indie game developers who want to earn honest money from their work,
are in places like:

- the app store for Iphone
- the android market for google android phones
- the app store competitors that are in the works for Symbian, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry and Palm Pre phones.
- the "xna creators club"/live arcade for Xbox360
- the wiiware system for Wii

Those targets combine two advantages:
- to be the natural place for indie arcade/simple games, made with enthusiasm and cleverness
- to bring an easyness for game distribution from one end to the other (easy for the developper
to upload his works, be "visible" and sell without the hassle of managing an e-commerce website etc.,
and easy for the gamer to buy, download and play, intuitively from his/her device, without any technical pain)

In my opinion Iphone's app store and Android/Symbian/WM/Blackberry/Pre alternatives
will really be the places where we, as indie devs, can earn an honest money from the energy we
put in our game projects. I wish we'll find ways to compile games that will be uploadable to
those markets systems.

Hope to find soon the time to contribute to GE,
My best wishes for everyone.

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Re: My thoughts - Open source, Future target platforms

Postby makslane » Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:22 pm

Thansk for your comments.
About the Android I've started some tests, and I think is not hard make the port for a native application:

For the iPhone I think is not har too:

Some comments for the Symbian:

And I think is important to make a flash port too, using the Adobe Alchemy:

Wii and XBox needs more code to make the program worj on PowerPC processors.

Hope to find soon the time to contribute to GE

I hope so. There is no a single contribution in the code at this time :-(
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Re: My thoughts - Open source, Future target platforms

Postby DSGameMaker » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:06 pm

The DS and Wii are both ARM platforms. Use the kit 'devkitPro' and C to make games. If you have GE compiling for ARM processors you're not far away from Wii + DS stuff.
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