by skydereign » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:38 am
First, a couple of suggestions that will help you out. One, it is a lot less likely that someone is going to help you if you put the data like that. The best format to upload your ged is to have a directory, with the ged and data directory inside. Of course the data directory will be filled with the images you attached. Then you just zip that up, so we can simply load it and figure out how to help you. Now, my other suggestion is to use the script editor. I managed to load your game, and checked the laser's collision events, and... yeah. You have generally two to three of the same actions for every event, namely collision events tied to lettered actors A-Z. That is a lot of events to look at. Also, each of these actors has a collision event with the laser (which generally is unnecessary). From what I've seen, it would be much easier to instead have a single actor for your A-Z, and use a variable to determine what type of enemy it is. But, back to the point, in script editor, you have one event, that can call those three actions which makes it a lot easier for us to read (and will make it easier for you to read).
Now to address your question, you do not have enemies 1, 2, and 3. So, do you mean for the code to trigger when there are no enemy actors (I am assuming actors A-Z are your enemy actors). If so you would have to either put it in a collision event for every actor, checking if the total number of enemy actors is 1, or use a variable and put that code into draw. I'll need to know more about what you are going to do before continuing, as if you do plan to change things from the way they are now, then the solution will change.