Cannot export games in full version

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Cannot export games in full version

Postby zygoth » Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:16 am

I just bought GE pro a few days ago, and ever since, some of my games will not work when I export them. After exporting them I try to play them and I get a grey screen, then the old "Gameeditor.exe has stopped responding". here is a copy of the error report, I don't know if it will be useful or not. I have tried exporting it to a window version, but that didn't help. Note that this only happens on the games I actually care about, so maybe it's personal. I have tried playing it on XP and vista basic.

A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: blah.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 47614345
Hang Signature: 1eab
Hang Type: 0
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: a0e9f8cabce28b5e0ecd7eb9cf7ece3e
Additional Hang Signature 2: c7d5
Additional Hang Signature 3: 4f8f413acde8508d8a2fc9a57e6e69e1
Additional Hang Signature 4: 1eab
Additional Hang Signature 5: a0e9f8cabce28b5e0ecd7eb9cf7ece3e
Additional Hang Signature 6: c7d5
Additional Hang Signature 7: 4f8f413acde8508d8a2fc9a57e6e69e1

please help...I just want to be able to finish my game up!
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Re: Cannot export games in full version

Postby Troodon » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:43 pm

Wait a minute, it says that Game editor has stopped working in the exported game? Or in GE when you are clicking on the "export"? What's your CPU usage when you export?
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Re: Cannot export games in full version

Postby DST » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:54 pm

The 'game mode' compiler is a quick version of the export compiler, and does not do the same things. Exe's often have glitches that the editor mode doesn't show.

Sometimes the errors are in your scripting; some could be a deeper problem with ge. It's difficult to tell. Sometimes they're not incorrect scripting in a 'c' sense, but they don't flow well with the way ge handles things.

I had a game that did things like that, and i tried removing actors and scripts. After a certain point, it no longer glitches, but i don't know if that's because i removed an erroneous script, or because the filesize had shrunk from all the things i removed. After 3 days of bug hunting, i gave up and started over. The resulting game (which took me 3 days to program) was 100x better than the original, and only had 1 glitch that was very minor. (an explosion graphic popped up at a certain point in stage 1, which didn't hurt the gameplay at all.) It was a lot better than the crashing the first version did.

Some games, like Winter Blast, manage to be very large and work correctly.

The only advice i can give is to export your games and test them regularly, so you can find such errors before you get too far down the path, and to ask an experienced user to take a look at your script for you, ( if you don't feel like posting it to the public).

I've got some time this week, if you want i'll have a go at it. No promises that i can fix anything, but i can often spot things that are shakey.
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