To warm up to game-editor I want to start by remaking a game called Pang.
Primarily Requires:
1.Main menu
2.Main level and Gui. (score, lives, possible miniature picture of current weapon, timer. The main level box.)
3.Player who's weapon is a ranged:
Starting harpoon gun [straight up], machine gun[wider coverage/spread], side/angled gun[45* angle shots], laser gun[straight up maybe bounces off mirrors], ect.
4.Music, sound effects, sound controls.
Secondary objectives.
5.Potential hot seat co-op?
6.Level selection
Progress: (semi colour coded)
1.Main menu:
Following the tutorial for a main menu it's done.
Not quite sure how it'll load my level though. Do i make separate GED and merge it?
Build it all in one GED?
I Just set it to load level and name of my first level. No idea how it'll find it.
Browsing tutorials and forum search hasn't turned up any clear directions or resources on the matter.
and built in tutorials do seem to be lacking in some informative details or design purposes of it's features.
2.Main level and Gui:
Requires me to design levels in one big main box with many balls of different sizes continuously bouncing around.
First problem I ran into. Balls leave the box if they bounce just the right way.
Attempting to build the main box differently then using tiles leads to crashes or weird looking walls with gaps I never put in them. I'll attached my level resources so hopefully others can run into same problem and use their experience to fix it.
Side Note:
Can't seem to add the bmp files I used. What is accepted?
bmp files are just boxes from tile file side by side about 12 long. Enough to cover each side and maybe extend off screen. (default G-E view resolution if it matters.)
3-x: Not working on until I get initial two setup.
Final design should hopefully look as good as or better then this:
I can update the thread for problems I run into or Make new threads for issues. Which would be more effective?