Indescript Error On Export...

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Indescript Error On Export...

Postby clm3s » Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:27 am

I am running game editor on Windows XP. I keep getting an error that seems to happen whenever it wants to. My game plays fine in the editor but when I go to export an EXE file, I get a weird error message. Only part of the EXE is written and then Game Editor self terminates. Once this has happened, the game file in question is ruined. No matter what I do, re-boot, re-save or delete parts of the game, it keeps happening. I have probably got this message 50 seperate times and had to back track my game at least 12 time, re-building everything over again. The Hex numbers change everytime it happens and it doesn't matter what export EXE type you choose. Re-naming to a different EXE file does not work either.

What the heck does this mean???


Has anyone else run into this?
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Postby clm3s » Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:50 am

I have rebuilt the game part by part and by process of elimination, this looks to be the problem. I think it has to do with the path of the sound file. At some point durning the export process, (in this case a PPC export), Game Editor is changing my audio path from:
Code: Select all
soundch1 = PlaySound2("F:\\Game Editor\\Space Game\\data\\rocket1.wav", 1.000000, 10000, 0.000000);

- to -

Code: Select all
soundch1 = PlaySound2("data/rocket1.wav", 1.000000, 10000, 0.000000);

This is the only thing that seems to make that error. If PlaySound2 is used. (Also, a weird detail, it will give you the error even if this line is "//" remarked out. It has to be deleted. Double weird is that game editor changes this line even if it's remarked out...)
Last edited by clm3s on Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Fuzzy » Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:51 am

The sound might be corrupted. try a different sound there, nameing it the same, and using the same folders
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Postby clm3s » Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:03 am

Nope, it's not. I check that too. I used a few WAV files and even used a VOC file for good measure. It forces the directory change and only does that dang violation exporting when I use PlaySound2.

WAV files work in the editor but it is useless to me if I can't play sound effects in a compiled EXE!!!!!!

Another side note: PlayMusic2 worked fine and it changed the path too.
Code: Select all
PlayMusic2("data/test1b.ogg", 1.000000, 1, MEDIUM_PRIORITY_MUSIC);

Man I wish it was just a corrupt WAV file... :(

RE-SIDE NOTE: It gives me the error even if the PlaySound2 is "//" remarked out! I take out the whole line of code and voiala, it works! Why the heck would a remarked line make a difference to Game Editor?
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Postby makslane » Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:44 pm

There is a bug when export some wav files.
Can you send me this sound files?
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Postby makslane » Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:48 pm

clm3s wrote:It gives me the error even if the PlaySound2 is "//" remarked out! I take out the whole line of code and voiala, it works! Why the heck would a remarked line make a difference to Game Editor?

Sorry for the inconvenience. There is a code that scan the scripts to get the needed files for exported version. This scan don't recognize the comments.
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