I've been searching the forums for a while tonight and haven't found what I'm looking for yet
I have a platform game that includes a joystick and a jump button, they work fine on their own, but when you're using the joystick to move pressing the jump button interferes with the joystick, as though you are no longer using it, then as soon as you release the jump button the joystick starts working again.
The joystick checks the x & y position of the mouse when the finger is moved around on the sprite (Mouse Enter/Leave events), i think that when I press the jump button (Mouse Down Event) on the other side of the screen those mouse x & y cords suddenly register as being outside of the joystick area and cause the joystick to glitch. Has anyone come up with a good way to handle this kind of multi-touch control yet? - I've even tried detecting mouse movement for the joystick on the sprites draw event, which works but results in the same problem