Detecting Mouse Down

Non-platform specific questions.

Detecting Mouse Down

Postby unigamer » Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:11 pm

I finally got Game Editor Full version! :)

My main interest is in Pocket PC games and I am now working again on A Kuru-Kuru clone for the Pocket PC.

I have an object that follows the mouse and when the mouse is pressed down a variable is switched on to start another object. The problem is I think Mouse down only registers when it is clicking the object with the event.

On my PC this works fine but on the Pocket PC I believe its a bit slower and the object doesn't quite keep up and so the variable isn't started. Is there a way to detect if the mouse is being pressed anywhere on the screen? As then I believe anything would work nicely.
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Postby makslane » Sat Sep 09, 2006 4:17 am

You can put a Filled Region actor cover all screen, and catch mouse clicks on this actor.
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