Tired of Repeated topics

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Tired of Repeated topics

Postby jimmynewguy » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:18 pm

I know there are some new people, and i don't want to just pick on them or offend anyone (honestly) but I'm kinda tired of repeated topics. If you need help with moonwalking, jumping, health, shooting, when the online will come out, or enemies and your going to make a new topic on it; you just aren't looking hard enough. These questions have all been answered at least 10+ times. The documentation will tell you how to use all the funtions, and posts have allready stated clearly how to go about doing all of these. If there is something different you want with these that hasn't been answered *ie animations for double jump if you have different ones for each jump* is perfectlly fine, just make sure you look around for a second before creating a whole new topic.

Again don't get upset if you've done this (I forgive you) just try not to do it again please.
And thanx for taking your time to read this.(just had to get this out there cuz i've heard others complain about it in chat[so I'm not the only crazy one]) :)
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Re: Tired of Repeated topics

Postby Kalladdolf » Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:03 pm

Glad you brought this up, I was just about to (and I believe DST as well).

jimmynewguy wrote:you just aren't looking hard enough

jimmynewguy wrote:The documentation will tell you how to use all the funtions

jimmynewguy wrote:These questions have all been answered at least 10+ times

I just like to deal with those statements for a minute (they are true, no question, so you can relax jimmy XD).
Those questions have been answered, but where? All across the forum, spread and each answer isn't exactly identical. Issues vary and before someone searches until he goes crazy, he might like to have the answer right away.
What we really need and don't have is a standard tutorial/helper/demo portal/database/forum or at least something where everything can be found quickly, where everything is updated and sticks to the stuff someone wants to know.

I know, there is a wiki (which is a good thing, but newbies would like to see the stuff in action, for example there are thousands of awesome tutorials, also on youtube, for other game creation softwares like GM) and there are makslane's gedt tutorials included in every GE copy.

Those are nice and they've been very helpful to me when I was new to all that, but the thing is: There aren't very many of them, they don't solve problems like moonwalking, multiple jumping, different kinds of shooting etc.
I had to get all that stuff from old demos (Game a Gogo and jazzy have been very helpful there). DST has made similar experiences as he has told me in a chat earlier.

The question is: What are we gonna use? YouTube? Gedt files (which would mean more coding effort for makslane)? Making tutorials isn't very easy.
Our goal: Have many standardized tutorials that cover everything stored on one single location, fully transparent and comfortable when searching. Those tutorials should also be accessible from Game Editor itself. All the holes that have been developing in the past should be stuffed.

I know, that sounds like loads of claims, demands etc. but sorry, unless we reach that goal, we won't stop getting those questions over and over.

And over.

Have a nice day.
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Re: Tired of Repeated topics

Postby jimmynewguy » Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:22 pm

lol thanx for agreeing with me i should have mentioned the whole not verymany tutorials thing, is there a free screen capturing software that makes video? I could make tutorials, but they wouldn't have sound but that doesn't matter cause you can add notes on youtube.
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Re: Tired of Repeated topics

Postby Kalladdolf » Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:49 pm

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Re: Tired of Repeated topics

Postby BlarghNRawr » Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:04 pm

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Re: Tired of Repeated topics

Postby factorman2 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:31 pm

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Re: Tired of Repeated topics

Postby DST » Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:09 am

Version control is a big issue here: Like Kal said, when i search for the definitive moonwalking post, i'm likely to find sgt. sparky's post - which is how many years old? It was written for a version of game editor you can't even get anymore.

I think we all rate posts by the date, in our heads, when dealing with software issues - the older it is, the less likely it is to apply.

So by asking you'll get lastet version advice. And also, you get to interact with someone, the thread is alive and not dead.

We generally don't invest as much time in dead sources as we do live ones, it only makes sense.

I think that the tools available in the html world, in wiki, in php, are better suited for expressing and sorting information than any ingame tutorial could be.

But like Linux, there has to be a central core to it all; the wiki, this forum, all the posts and demos - there has to be one main trunk to the tree that all users can start from.
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Re: Tired of Repeated topics

Postby DarkParadox » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:07 am

Hmmm, maybe let the community make .gedt files? that would be actually very helpful to a lot of people, shows how to do it step by step, and not just the finished product, and we can just post the file for them to check :]
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