Game A Gogo wrote:and the community loves you back! For you have provided us with an amazing tool that for some (Like me) showed the right path to go in their lives. Because of you, I am able to pursue my childhood dream; to create games! I believe GE won't die anytime soon

OH MAN! Before I found GE. I was struggling trying to get OPENGL to work for me, DIRECTX, ALLEGRO (not so much a struggle but a problem because I used visual basic), Python->Pygame, SDL, SFML.. and all of these ended in failure because of the amount of time it takes to just create the functions needed to create a resource manager. GE makes handling all that stuff simple and fast! Although it doesn't have all the functionality of OpenGL, or the speed and resourcefulness of straight C++ with libraries. It is by far the best tool I have used. This is the farthest I have ever been into doing what I love, game development.
jimmynewguy wrote:EvanBlack wrote:I think there should just be a GE store which people can by games from. Even if they don't have GE logos in the game it would benefit both GE and the developer. GE could sell the game for the developer making a fee, and the developer could make a profit too. Not only that but this would draw customers to GE for other things as well.
The only problem with that is there are several sites for indie devs to sell games without the fee that GE would take. They allow you to post games for free and make money off of them. Plus there are many other websites that will do it for money that are a lot more popular than GE sadly

Don't mean to put any ideas down though!
gE store doesn't have to have a fee

I was just saying its a possibility. Also, indie game websites usually get their money from ads and traffic. Also they develop games themselves in which they use other people coming to their website to post their games as added traffic. Hosting games made with gE for free would probably boost sales of gE anyway. But also they could add perks for membership subscriptions. There is unlimited possibility.
But another thing is, when some iconic games come out using gE, then there is a chance for merchandising. Like creating plush toys, t-shirts, buttons, stickers, and more. Also, could fund the start of possible creation of an MMO that would bring even more traffic to the site.
The possibilities are endless. How gE decides to go about them is flexible too.
Blizzard started off a small indie like company then suddenly burst into the top of the game industries. They did it by creating games such as diablo and starcraft. Starcraft is a sport in South Korea. I bet the original creators had no idea that it was going to get that big, they probably just built it so that they could battle their friends at lan parties.