So I did like you advised Skydereign and it moved my game over screen more into the frame but not fully in. I can still see the Top 1/3 and Right Side 1/3 of
the game behind my Game Over screen. I tried changing the value /2 to /3 or 4 or 5 etc. but no change and I tried
if (hp==0)
MoveTo("Event Actor", -1197.000000, -798.000000, 1.000000, "GameoverFrame", ""); //The xy of the center of my Game Over actor.
But that didnt work either.
Maybe I'm doing the Game Over wrong?
I created an actor with a .PNG animation that is 480 x 320 with my game over grafix and text. I was trying to get it to appear when my player dies and if I got that done
then I would add the retry/quit button actors and script them to do what I need done. I maded the Game menu already with buttons that can load, quit and take me to the game direction screens so I figured the Game Over screen would be the same.
Ok, so I played around with some x y views and got it perfectly lined up with the script below.
CreateActor("explosion", "explosion_3", "(none)", "(none)", 0, 0, false);
PlaySound2("data/16c_explode.wav", 1.000000, 1, 0.000000);
DestroyActor("Event Actor");
Thanks again Skydereign and +1 to you for your help!