I've been working on a couple of projects for the iOS platform now (mainly iPhone),
but put them on hold / cancelled them right away after the first round of testing them on my iDevice.
I am using the following:
iPod touch 2G
Disk space: 16 GB (30% full)
Memory: 116 MB
CPU: 533 MHz
iOS 4.2.1 (latest for the model)
I test my projects using GE player (AppStore version).
Now, about my problem:
Anything I test on my iPod is as much as unplayable, as the framerate drops below 1-5; certain lag even causes the engine to skip a ton of frames
which causes all sorts of collisions and other events to mess up.
I have tried all sorts of different things, such as:
- Minimizing screen movement
- Activation regions
- Turning motion compensation on / off
- Removing all collision events
- Destroying actors outside of view immediately
- Using the smallest possible sprites / crappiest file types
Now, I'd really like to know whether that is a general problem, or if my iPod has some sort of uneasiness with GEPlayer (mind you, even pyrometal's epicman demo doesn't work properly,
the lag makes the person go through walls), or if the engine is too heavy for portable devices.
I'd really like to continue those projects, but with this major problem in the way, I don't see a way how I can go on.
Thanks for your help.