Some words

Game Editor comments and discussion.

Re: Some words…

Postby summer_goth » Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:42 pm

Congratulations Makslane. I hope that your new job goes well.

Please don't forget about Game Editor though. :wink: (pretty pretty please give us a little update with the latest PocketHAL just to fix some issues with some systems) (It can be exactly the same as now except with the new PocketHAL) (it will make life so much easier).

Good luck!
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Re: Some words…

Postby Troodon » Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:57 pm

BeyondtheTech! You are still on these forums! I tought you were one of the "old active members who slowly disappeared". 8)

Makslane, I know how you feel and I guess that you may feel even worse when we reply to you as you had a cancer. I would not like to talk about myself but I'm a rapper and it's very stressing to work (or atleast think of the work) 24 hours a day. It easily turns your hobby into work and then to obligation. Like everybody said you should get a break on Game Editor and remember that you already made a big work. The forum members keep mostly talking on what's missing on GE forum but it doesn't mean we are pressing you to do something. (some people know what stupid things I've made while being under pressure) Try making something that you don't do often. Go fishing or to forest. (if you don't do them already) Listen to your favourite music. Draw/paint something. Whatever creative that takes your toughts far from GE. You will feel better (instantly or maybe the next morning) and soon you may get new coding energy. Oops, this post became quite long and it doesn't really say more than the other posts above. But remember that an update on GE can be so small as possible. I know that your job isn't to "entertain" or "please" us but I'm sure that people would be happy even for itty-bitty updates like typo correction from "radom tile" to "random tile". :)
I hope I helped you even little. This may be quite ironic but here is a score! :D
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Re: Some words…

Postby LeoC » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:43 pm

Don't worry about delays. (sh)It happens.

I think you should see the future of GE and its structure.
Make it help you work better.

For example, make the main website in a more dynamic.
(a blog-like approach will be interesting for updates,
short announcements and fast public discussions).

This forum useful too but it is more a fragmented pieces
of information. (I used to call it "A messy documentation
with a search field on top"). Forum works for support.
Wiki can more attractive as documentation and effective
to both early adopters and mainstream adopters and create
more collaborative content separated by themes, not topics.

"Focus on what you do best and let others do the rest".

(Sorry if my english sucks. I don't pratice it...)
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Re: Some words…

Postby Bee-Ant » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:48 pm

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Re: Some words…

Postby Freddy » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:11 am

I think we should individually advertise for GE! It would probably bring in loads of people, I mean, not everyone who wants to make games searches game editor. When I wanted to find out how to make them, I searched for things like game creating softwares, or game making softwares, until somewhere along the lines I found GE. But Im sure that there are hundreds of people out there who are just dying to create games. And all they need is a directory to an excellent game creating software (GE) and some encouragement. I also have some advice for the GE demo. The demo for GE should be a little more restricting if you really want customers to buy your products. (Ive heard that there is already a thirty day free trial, but the thirty day timer doesnt exactly work :( ) Not that Im suggesting being a dirty cheepskate or anything, but I think the timer should be fixed.
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Re: Some words…

Postby Kalladdolf » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:37 pm

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Re: Some words…

Postby robinvanderkuijl » Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:43 am

Hi Makslane,

I can only speak for myself but i think that it is a hell of a great program.
Your support and dedication is already proven over all these years.
I dont think you need to apologize for anything, as long as you know the only reason why people always look foward to your program is because we all just love it.
So please dont see it as a complaint or burden but rather as a bunch of fans looking foward to the future of your development.

Good luck with your new job, your life and for the future of Game Editor:
And i also think it is the best 2d gaming editor ever!

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Re: Some words…

Postby Rux » Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:24 pm

Freddy wrote:Not that Im suggesting being a dirty cheepskate or anything, but I think the timer should be fixed.
The GE demo doesn't have the 30 limit anymore. Makslane changed the demo from 30 days to unlimited, with a few restrictions.
It's not broken. Anyway I don't have to worry about it. I've got the full version. :D
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Re: Some words…

Postby j2graves » Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:37 pm

I have to say that game editor was just what I'd been looking for. I was dying to create games but had no idea where to start! (like most people here) anyway, I will buy the full version for sure someday. To users, Let's start a project: "find the best way to help Makslane" ! That guy deserves it alright! :!:
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Re: Some words…

Postby LanoG » Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:43 am

Hi Makslane and all GE Fan,

TO me, this is the most fantastic game development tool ever. This uniquely crafted software is the only one in the market purely easy to use and straight forward for beginners. One way to market the software is by writing book about it.... i am sure there are a lots of students, hobbyst, profesional programmers looking for this piece of doucmentation and software. :mrgreen:
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Re: Some words…

Postby Kalladdolf » Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:35 am

How's it going, makslane?
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Re: Some words…

Postby ozziedave » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:24 am


This is my second post on this subject...As you know.

"GAME EDITOR" is a great programme, especially for beginners to 2d programming. I have just looked at most of the
available 2d game engines on the net, without a doubt your's is the easiest game engine to programme in, with great

Most of the other engines need you to get right into the programming language, like flipping the pages and setting up the
game objects with code, I realize that you can do some pretty nifty things with the #c code available, but you can create
very interesting games with very little coding of you want to.

As before congratulations on a 2d editor you can be proud of.


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Re: Some words…

Postby irblinx » Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:37 pm

Good luck in the new job, hope it goes well for you.

I know I don't usually suggest you adding support for other platforms but it may be worth you looking into the Open Handset Alliance's Android phone platform as Google seem to be offering to make funds available to developers. It's an open source platform built on top of Linux so it might not be that difficult to make an export library.

From the OHA website "The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications. Developers can create applications for the platform using the Android SDK. Applications are written using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a custom virtual machine designed for embedded use which runs on top of a Linux kernel."

It might be worth you emailing them to see if they would be interested in helping you out to add Android compatibility. We could then very quickly release a few simple games for the platform.
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Re: Some words…

Postby Thanx » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:08 pm

I'm a customer for life, for sure. It simply amazes me, that you did this all alone! GE might not be the bestseller, but still the best! The BEST is not always the same as the MOST WELL KNOWN. Your program does not belong to the second category, but definately to the first. That is what counts, not the second. I tell ya, that if I'd be out of school, I wouldn't ASK you wether I coud give help, I would TELL you I'm gona help!
You, know this fact is the golden evidence that your a good, if not great man. You maintain a program and a website and an active forum all at the same time! And you're not selling a pile of rubish, your selling something that should be well known! The more I think about this, the more I think that the $94 I paid was a small amount.

If you need a rest, then take it! Your user community agreed and signed it virtually under this letter! 2008. January 29, Tuesday. You are now let for vacation! Be free Makslane, be freeee! :D Ok, maybe that was a little funny, but you get the point.
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Re: Some words…

Postby NUTINC » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:49 am

I vote Makslane for Ruler of the World!
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