hello! my name is Draco, and ive been playing with the game all afternoon and i think i got some stuff down, but there is still a lot of things i want to do! i was inspired to make a game from playing Cave Story (lol lame i know but XD) and i wanted to make my own! all ive got so far is just some practice with movement and floors, but im pleased with it so far! i took some Tails (sonic the hedgehog) sprites and put them in, and i took 5 mins to make my own floor. all it does so far is jump and land on the platform, and he falls off the edge and thats pretty much it. i want to do more, i want to make the rest of the game! but one step at a time i suppose, ill learn more tomorrow!
oh lol the controls!
Left = <
Right = >
Jump = F