I am very happy to see the addition of drawing functions to GE

Now let's do it

In this demo we will draw a random starfield of random colors. You can make the starfield denser by continually selecting the Down Arrow. the fantastic Game-Editor setpen(), moveto() and putpixel() functions are demonstrated here along with the C rand() function and the C for loop control.
1. Start a new project and add an actor of type CANVAS.
2. Go to Config and change Game resolution to 240 x 320 Pocket PC (I'm a Pocket PC guy - you dont need to do this).
3. Resize your Canvas Actor to the View Size.
4. Right-Click Events Add Key Down and press the Down Key then Add Action Script Editor.
5. Enter the following code:
int posX = 240;
int posY = 320;
int loopCount = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for(loopCount=1; loopCount<1000; loopCount++)
x = rand(posX);
y = rand(posY);
6. Add then Immediate Action then Close.
7. Go into Game Mode and press the Down Arrow to try it out.
Here is how your program will look:
Here we have only drawn points, NEXT we will cover drawing lines and shapes like this little program I wrote called Imagine: http://www.trajectorylabs.com/Imagine.html
How does that sound???