A Question About the Source Code and Modyfying Game Editor

Game Editor comments and discussion.

A Question About the Source Code and Modyfying Game Editor

Postby Turon » Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:18 pm

I like game editor for what it is, in my opinion its one of the best tools for 2D Game Designing.

Its just that Game Editor does not export to all the Systems I would like it to, and although
many people on this forum have requested it the export to the system is never granted.

I have heard that you can access the source code of Game Editor and modify some of the things
in the software, if so then is it possible to add your own export features like adding Game Boy support
and SNES etc.?
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Re: A Question About the Source Code and Modyfying Game Edit

Postby skydereign » Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:05 am

Turon wrote:I have heard that you can access the source code of Game Editor and modify some of the things
in the software, if so then is it possible to add your own export features like adding Game Boy support
and SNES etc.?

If you can code it, you can add it. The entire source code is available for use, just click the link at the top right that talks about developing for gE.
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Re: A Question About the Source Code and Modyfying Game Edit

Postby Turon » Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:40 pm

Thanks for the info Skydereign!
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