I had 3 actors
1 is the snake head and depending on the key pressed,
the yvelocity or xvelocity would = the selected number so that you press a key and you go in that direction without holding it
, and ther is the snake basic body witch the snake creates after a Timer goes off. and the Snake basic body, depending on how many apples you got (silver ovals)
would fade away on the draw actor Event if
- Code: Select all
if(stage1 == 1)transp += 0.05;
if(stage1 == 2)transp += 0.009;
if transp > .99)DestoryActor("EvenActor");
only there were alot more apples than 2
and the snake basic body after a timer would create the collision actor of the snake (also so you could not see it fade away
)and when the snake basic body is destroyed it Destroys the snake collision body
that is bout' all there is to it. but i do not feel like makin' a super post