Hi! I have a problem.
1.) I making the spalsh screen with different options he summons by "enter" i want to close him by "enter" too,
but when its on the same keys it dont works (i think works command destroy actor-- whp closes him - but it have not be so...
then actor creating by "enter" ----CreateActor("back2", "back2", "(none)", "(none)",480,0,false);
view.x+=100;------- he dosnt created yet to react on enter. But then destroy placed on different key it works
2.) in this script ----CreateActor("back2", "back2", "(none)", "(none)",480,0,false);
view.x+=100;------- view.x+=100 and its works but why i must wrtite 100 but not 480... By logic view must be moved there created actor ---CreateActor("back2", "back2", "(none)", "(none)",480,0,false);---
3) I have tried view.x=back2.x; but it not moves to same position as back2
Here is my simple demo
4) Ноw to make actor moving where mouse cliks (you clicks on terran and player goes there), i now it can be make it by "move to" on background, is exist more elegant way?
5) How to make changing animations (then actor moving by mouse clicks), different animation for diferent directions?
6) When actor moving by mouse clicks...he goes to the point by shortest by -- diagonally. Is it possible to make he part of the way to that point vertically, after that he moves gorisontally.