inaccessible line in switch case? help please o:

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inaccessible line in switch case? help please o:

Postby Game A Gogo » Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:32 pm

Alright, so today I though I might as well start on working a project.. and I though why not my Custon BMP Font loader that I had started long ago. That would be able to load custon BMP fonts with individual letter width (Revolutionary! :) )
But obviously, I need to transform the ASCII letter number to the BMP font char number... So I though I'd use a switch case. But I stumbled upon a problem and I can't figure out what is going wrong.. D:
My script is around 288 lines long, because there are at least 90 letters to convert
And the syntax is correct on all lines (Yes, I checked them all).
and it gives me 90 errors!
each one coming out as "Warning line 288: Unreachable code at line ###" ### being the line number which a "break;" can be found
Image quality severely decreased due to big image size... and yet my screen is not big enough to show all errors :S

So I noticed that each "Unreachable" code are "break;"... what is wrong?
I'm thinking it might be due to the usage of "return ##"... but I used that before

ps.: Makslane, it would be smart adding "*.txt","*.c" and "*.cpp" extension ;)
the 288 line script
(614 Bytes) Downloaded 137 times
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Re: inaccessible line in switch case? help please o:

Postby skydereign » Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:50 pm

If you are trying to return an int, then the function should be an int function. I only say this because the last error says that it ends in void. I think gameEditor may be confusing the number conversions, but I don't really know how you are doing this. The problem is that break will end the function, as it exits the switch. Since you are trying to return a char, the int does not work for the return of that function, though I think it should, and the function should then be void, as it does not have a return value. But I know the char numbers shouldn't mess up like this.
Okay, if you change it to this, it should work.
Code: Select all
char Char_Map(char Letter_Input)
    char RETURN;
        case 33:
        case 64:
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Re: inaccessible line in switch case? help please o:

Postby pyrometal » Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:24 pm

Remove all the "break" statements! Return breaks the control flow before "break" can be executed!
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Re: inaccessible line in switch case? help please o:

Postby Game A Gogo » Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:54 pm

skydereign wrote:If you are trying to return an int, then the function should be an int function. I only say this because the last error says that it ends in void. I think gameEditor may be confusing the number conversions, but I don't really know how you are doing this. The problem is that break will end the function, as it exits the switch. Since you are trying to return a char, the int does not work for the return of that function, though I think it should, and the function should then be void, as it does not have a return value. But I know the char numbers shouldn't mess up like this.
Okay, if you change it to this, it should work.
Code: Select all
char Char_Map(char Letter_Input)
    char RETURN;
        case 33:
        case 64:

About the void thing.. at first it was int xD I messed with the code a bit but thx for trying to help, but I'll use Pyro's method instead, so thanks to you as well, pyro
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