allright, first you need to make a var (integar) called Lives,
at the start
- Code: Select all
Lives = 3;
for the view actor, the when the main actor dies
- Code: Select all
Lives -= 1;
and on the draw actor event of the view,
- Code: Select all
if (lives < 0)Destroy Actor("Player");
to have 1 ups(more lives) on the collision event where the main actor collides with the 1up actor it destroys the collide actor
and on the destroy actor Event of the 1up actor have this
- Code: Select all
Lives -= 1
to display the amout of lives left have an actor called "LivesText" on the draw actor event of lives text have this
- Code: Select all
textNumber = Lives;
but first you must make livestext a text actor by adding a font, and seeting the text to 0
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if you need any more help just post it
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I hope that helps
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