view problem

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view problem

Postby raminkhan » Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:37 am

My screen sticks with my character but the issue is that this code in draw actor of my view is not working properly

view.x= Player.x -(.001*view.width); this is not working because my character is always at the left edge of the screen and sticks there and wont move into the screen even when its moving.
view.x = max(view.x, -1);

Please help.
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Re: view problem

Postby skydereign » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:31 am

raminkhan wrote:view.x= Player.x -(.001*view.width);

That code wouldn't work because 0.001 * view.width is rather small, if you are using iphone res it is 0.48 pixels. For what you want you can use just one line of code (combines your two and fixes it).
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view.x = max(Player.x-view.width/2, -1);
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Re: view problem

Postby phyzix5761 » Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:34 am

If you want the view to follow the player at an offset try the following:

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view.x = player.x-someVar;

where someVar is the number you want to offset the view by.
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Re: view problem

Postby skydereign » Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:27 pm

Which is exactly what the code I posted was, except that it puts a lower limit on how far the view can move back. All the max does is choose the larger number between them, meaning view.x can be no smaller than -1.
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