1. Add youre actors: Main player and player using text.
2. add actor 'text'.
3. make it text/new font/ true type/ choose prefered font/type a text.
4.make the text transparent.
5.add another actor for triggering text,'text_trigger'/add keydown/space/add action/change transparency of actor 'text'/ make it visible/create on startup:no.
6.On main player, add collision with talking actor/add action/ create actor/
7. On main player, add collision finish with player using text/destroy actor/'text_trigger'.
8. Moreover, collision finish with player using text/change transparency of 'text' transparent.
Outcome: The spacebar enables texts to appear only at collision with an actor using text. You can also change text using collision on a different actor and 'set text' action.
The text will vanish after a collison finish. Or you can use another actor with heydown/spacebar to make text transparent.