Hi guys my first attempt a game with Game editor. ( and my first post... hello all !)
It is not complete yet, and I do hope to finish it, but I need to learn more GE coding
( I have only just downloaded GE a few weeks ago )
This game is very simple - mouse to move, left mouse to fire. ( it is however in 640 * 480 mode, i can make a smaller version if required ?)
NOTE: the spaceship is NOT a series of sprites, but is built each during each "redraw" in "FAKE 3D", during runtime. it is this idea that I thought would be useful and which is why I am posting it as demo. "3d with 2d tools".. the rest of the game is pretty basic stuff. The spaceship itself, is simply made up of 8 "balls" which are automatically reconfigured depending on where in space you are, in order to create the "3D" ship on the fly.
The Next version will have proper start screen - end screen, proper scoring etc
I just need to learn some more about GE scripting so that i can improve on some of the math formula's for a more accurate 3D feel - the math i used was very rough and simplistic.
I just thought i was ready for my first post

Many thanks for everyone who helps out with tutorials and the game demo's, as without them i would have been lost.
and special thanks to makslane. I chose GE after looking at, and reviewing, many many others... because, GE is simply the best, and offers the broadest of platform possibilities

ps: I hope I managed to post correctly with correct attachments ? there does not seem to be a clear set of rules on this ?