What you want to see in the next versions?

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

What you want to see in the next versions?

Make online games for web
Make windows screensavers
Multiplayer games
Better documentation
More tutorials
Better support to RPG games
Particles support
Less script dependent
More user friendly interface
Better support to actor motions (find paths...)
Total votes : 159

Postby NyahKitty » Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:43 pm

I thought of another one:

-The ability to nudge a selected actor using the arrow keys on the keyboard would be nice. (Arrow Key = 1 pixel, Shift + Arrow Key = 10 pixels)

-I like the section in the help file which covers the subject of script.
I am not a very technical person, so it is difficult for me to understand the descriptions of what each function does or examples of where it could be used. Perhaps more plain english descriptions and specific examples of use might be helpful.

If you would like help writing these, I'd be happy to work with you for helping me to thoroughly understand each function and then I can write such descriptions for non-programmers in the support section of the forum.

I'm half-way to finishing my first game.
Thank you very much for writing this program. :D
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Postby brutalDeluxe » Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:45 pm

Actor nudging is a good idea.

In the mean time try zooming in to decrease the mouse range/sensitivity.

Don't forget. The shift key turns on/off actor snapping.

Glad you are enjoying GE. It really is quite cool to work with.

I visited your web site too. I am looking forward to seeing your graphic style incorporated into a game.
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Postby makslane » Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:59 pm

NyahKitty wrote:If you would like help writing these, I'd be happy to work with you for helping me to thoroughly understand each function and then I can write such descriptions for non-programmers in the support section of the forum.

The next version will come with the new documentation rewritten by Just4Fun. (Thank you :-) )

You are welcome to send your suggestions!
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Postby NyahKitty » Sat Jul 30, 2005 4:54 pm

Better documentation?

Thank you very much.
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Postby NyahKitty » Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:14 pm

Not that you will be able to implement all requests right away, but now I'm just making a wishlist. Will update this reply as I think of new things:

- I'd like to be able to Left-click drag a selection box around multiple actors and move them all around, rotate or scale them at the same time.

- The middle scrolling mouse button is good for moving around the editing area. I wonder if most everyone has a middle mouse button nowadays.

- If multiple actors are selected, I would like the option to group them all together or to later ungroup them. This way I can move an entire group around without reselecting the entire group. Being able to custom name these groups would help. Perhaps have a global window which lists all named selection groups. Groups within groups would be cool. Perhaps an easier way to implement Parent/Child relationships.

-It will be very good to be able to later edit named groups so I can add or delete members of the group.

-It will also help to be able to still select only one actor for editing, even if the group is selected.

- It becomes a challenge to manage multiple events of the same kind, from within the same actor. I would like the option to custom name each event, so they can be seperated and more easily identifiable.

- When I create an activation event from within an actor, I would like to be able to edit the trigger later on, so if it is first triggered by the creation of the actor and later I want to change that to trigger when the actor is destroyed. It is a bit of work to re-create an activation event in order to have a different trigger.

- I can add links to an activation event when I create it. Afterward, I can edit to delete links. But I cannot add more links after creating the activation event. Please add this option.

- It would be nice to have the option to only show the links of a selected activation event. Perhaps a model might have multiple activation events, if these are all linked to the same actors, how can the links of only one of the activation events be edited?

- I like the Event Enable/Disable. Sometimes I want to disable a very specific event. If a Key Down event has two sub-events such as one where I press A and a different one when I press B, I would like the option Disable/Enable just Key Press A (for that character), for example. It would be good to be able to be both this specific or do things the usual way where the entire event (all Key Down within an actor) is Enable/Disable. This is just an example of Enable/Disable, it would help to be this specific with the other Activation Event choices as well.

- It would be cool to be able to clone events within an actor or activation events. This is for the situation when I want a similar event but want to make only one or two changes to it's parameters. At this time I would think that clones should have the option to be linked to the original. So the original would control the settings in a clone which have not been changed. Would this be called Local Actor Global Event Editing?

- It would help if the Transparency slider and Z-Depth slider of actor each had a percentage number next to them. Then I could have the option to manually type in the number value I want.

- Scripting is powerful. Beginners such as myself might have a problem understanding it until we have used it for a while. I know there seems to be something like an autocomplete in using the list of variables and functions. I wonder..... would it make things easier if it had an error detector like MS Word has a typo detector? The letters are highlighted red until the word matches it's built in dictionary. It has the ability to suggest several properly spelled words. One of these can be clicked and replaces the word I am typing. Could something like that be done for proper scripting syntax while the code is being typed? If so, it would probably be good to have the option to turn this function on or off. It's difficult to describe, but is a bit different from having the code error checked when trying to click OK. Looking at what I just wrote here, this almost seems overly-complicated. Hmmm.....

- It would be helpful to be able to see the actual color in addition to the RGB settings when creating a font for text within an actor.

- I really like how GE is a hybrid between WYSIWYG and writing code. This will be helpful for easing me into writing code. Thanks!

- The current version of GE has never crashed or bugged out on my computer. Please continue to be very thorough in order to keep it that way. Good job! :D


- The ability to switch an actor between text and graphic at any time while editing.


- Remove actors one at a time or in a selection group by pressing the delete key.


- When I edit an Activation Event later on, I'd like to see what trigger the host uses to send a signal to the other actors which are linked. I'd like to know if I assigned the Left Mouse Button or not, for example.


- When selecting a font to use, I would like to see the color in addition to the RGB settings. (I can actually see the color when first creating the font)

- Regarding the autocomplete function in the scripting room, perhaps if a function needs a variable, function or actor before or after it, having the auto-complete display the word of the catagory of item needed and having that word highlighted so that it can be replaced by choosing from the list. I notice that some of the functions and such which are in the list will initiate a wizard. Once all the choices are made, then the wizard types the code in the appropriate place. More of that please. :)
Last edited by NyahKitty on Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby willg101 » Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:09 pm

My word, I'll definately have to get the new version when it comes out!

(I just hope Makslane doesn't get burned out)
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Postby willg101 » Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:13 pm

NyahKitty wrote:- It would help if the Transparency slider and Z-Depth slider of actor each had a percentage number next to them. Then I could have the option to manually type in the number value I want.

A screen tip tells you what percentage of Z-Depth/Transparency right now.
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Postby NyahKitty » Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:50 pm


It is useful to know that.
It is still difficult to make precise settings when it's not always visible.

As I said, it's now just a wish list.
No pressure, but it will be ever so helpful when he resolves these items.
Last edited by NyahKitty on Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby makslane » Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:01 am

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Postby Fuzzy » Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:29 am

I'd like to see switch...case statements.



does that make sense? it takes the place of many if...then statements
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Postby jazz_e_bob » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:35 am

You can do switch/case now mate.
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Postby Fuzzy » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:15 am

Us Canadians just cant fool you Aussies. I am so embarrassed that i over looked it. :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Postby jazz_e_bob » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:37 am

Heh heh

Switch/case is one of my favourite things. So neat and tidy.
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Postby NyahKitty » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:06 pm

MP3 support please. :)

EDIT: Sorry about that. I was unaware of the patent issues.
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Postby Game A Gogo » Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:26 am

Do you mean Mp3 (sound files) cannot work??

I put mp3 on my game.

Maybe its the Hz, normaly its higher than GE can take, so I use WavePad(c) to transform it in less Hz or I transform it in wave format.

If you want to make this, go on Google and seach wavepad, if you want to make tones seach NCH tone generator
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