off topic - game editor sprite tool

How to find or create sprites, graphics, sounds and music.

Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby FeralX » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:12 am


First of all I would like to apologize to those who volunteered to beta test the first release - it was really crappy :( and full of bugs...

sorry about that guys

Next - Beta 2 is ready and is much much more stable and functional - it still has some known bugs, but it is usuable and will create working sprites :)

if you want to beta test it, please email me at feralx at (replace at with @ of course), this will try to keep forum traffic to a minimum until we get this working much better.

Some Samples

Simple Basic and/or CUSTOM rotations, any number of steps, from any angle to any angle

Simple Basic and/or CUSTOM Scaling
this one is scaled vertically and horizonatlly at different percentages, AND scaled from the left center point - no longer always need to be scaled from topleft :)
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby FeralX » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:28 am

Ok .... mmm

I just tried to send some EXEs to a BETA volunteer and my new Yahoo Account is ... well annoying.. attachments are not working etc.. :(

So I am simply going to send the beta out now..

please read the attached RTF file as it explains some of the issues with transparancies.

and if you want to be a beta tester please read the inbuilt help file

Sorry guys, but this is currently only a Windows thing and you need .net 2.0 ( no mac or linux, but If it turns out Ok , I might try porting to mono)

if you do not know about .NET and its versions and issues please email me..

note: One of the things I am not expecting is how SLOW this may work on some PC's.. sorry, but because of work I happen to be coding on some really cool hardware.
if you have issues with slowness while rebuilding Graphics/spritesheets etc .. please let me know.

EDIT: BTW please still send commects etc to my email account.. simply to avoid overloading this thread and or the forum with questions that will eventually be solved anyway :)
12 Sep 2011
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The RTF about Transparancies
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby FeralX » Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:34 am

Hi guys.. only 2 downloads ?

Sorry, I may not have said this properly ..

Anyone is allowed to beta test this now, you do not have to email me or sign up to do so, simply downlod and try..

If the 2 guys who did download it, have actually tried it, can they let me know if it runs Ok on Your PC ?

I know it is propably too early to have really tried it out, i just wanted to make sure it at least starts up Ok and is usable ?


PS: if anyone else tries it you can just PM me the results rather then emailing.. now that it is out in the wild.. emailing is better though, if you can, becuase you can send screengrabs of errors etc easier.
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby Game A Gogo » Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:46 am

Sorry I didn't get a chance to try it out yet.

I'd say again it's the coming of college keeping me busy but really, I've also been pretty lazy lately... I will try it out tomorrow!

EDIT: just ran it... and it crashed. I'll send you an email with a slightly more detailed report

EDIT 2: Just read your little guide and noticed your questioning about 32-bit bitmaps.

Although GE will successfully open and display 32-bit bitmaps, they will appear completely solid as it will simply ignore the alpha channel. In other words it will read the bitmap as if it was 24-bit without considering a transparent color. So I suppose exporting to 32-bit bmp is useless.
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby FeralX » Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:13 am

Game A Gogo wrote:EDIT: just ran it... and it crashed. I'll send you an email with a slightly more detailed report

Thanks for trying mate, tho not sure what happened..I have tested it on XP before.. I will look into it.

Just in case you want to double check, or any beta tester wants to double check they are running .NET 2.0

The quickest way is to find the folder
inside that you should have a folder called v2.0.50727

if you want to double double check then in that folder should be a file called mscorlib.dll
righting clicking on that and selecting properties then-> details, should give you the following screeen

The version should start with 2.0.50727
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby SuperSonic » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:57 pm

Hey feral :D

I downloaded the program and I meant to reply but my profile messed up and I couldn't get back on to GE for a while :(

However, the program works great! I havn't found any bugs in it yet. Keep going, this is great :wink:
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby FeralX » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:34 am

SuperSonic wrote:Hey feral :D

I downloaded the program and I meant to reply but my profile messed up and I couldn't get back on to GE for a while :(

However, the program works great! I havn't found any bugs in it yet. Keep going, this is great :wink:

Thanks for tying it out..

I am attaching a better version now

The improvemnts are

1. you can import a animated gif and export it as a sprite sheet (sorry still only 1 row of frames ) I am working on that, but the advantage is you can select the Gif transparemcy color and make it a "real" transparency (alpha) then save as a PNG sheet (this will be really useful soon when I add Antialiasing)

2. you can import a spritesheet (GE version ie: "gridded" and it will separate your frames for you) and then you can export as separate frames.. cool if you want to edit frame by frame in Paint.Net/gimp etc - I am also working on importing Old School style sprite sheets ie: the ones you can download but never get coordinates for :(

4. you can import separate "Image files" as frames and export as a gridded spritesheet ( eventually you will be able to export as animated gif - still working on that too) ..keep in mind that if you are importing separate files they need to be all the same dimensions.... I have no checker or test for that yet. Usually tho you will be importing premade sequentially numbered files that GE already uses

so .. really not much improvement, but the above functions are getting ready for some cool stuff... simply being able to separate frames and then individually edit them and or group manipulate an entire animation sequence is what i am working on now..

Soon you will be able to import all frames of an animation and rotate or scale the entire animation :D

Anyhow ..feel free to look at the lastest version, if it works Ok I will remove previous versions from the forum to save space etc etc


PS: Thanks for the feedback Supersonic
Last edited by FeralX on Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby SuperSonic » Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:16 am

PS: Thanks for the feedback Supersonic

Sure, no problem :wink:

I will download the new version soon but I don't have the time right now :)

I have a request though. Could you add more effects. Like explode or static or dissolve? That would be cool :D
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby FeralX » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:01 am

SuperSonic wrote:
I have a request though. Could you add more effects. Like explode or static or dissolve? That would be cool :D

Yep, I definately plan to..last time I did this tho, I could only apply effects to a single image.

ie: Grab a single frame and then "Dissolve it".. or explode it etc

That is why I am determined, this time, to be able to access and control and entire sequences of images...

Imagine applying an effect to an entire sprite animation as it runs.. :D

I am working on it, I am just working on the code to allow me to acess the individual frames as a seqence

should be cool..I hope :?

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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby FeralX » Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:16 am

Another update.

This version allows you to rotate all frames in an entire Sprite sequence/animation in one go (at any angle), and export it back out as a sheet/single files

It also allow you to scale all individual sprites in a animation to a new size and again export it back out

These two options are availiable on the "All Frames" menu

I also found some cool code that allows the animation to be displayed directly on the desktop :shock:

Which is cool, because, if you use a screen grab from your game as a wallpaper, or have a screenshot of your game/backdrop etc open in etc.. you can drag your newly made animation direct from this app over the top of your screenshot, and test it for colors etc straight away... That option is in the "view" menu.

anyhow as per , if you test.. please please give me feedback... especially if this version "works" on your PC, so I can delete some of the earlier ones.

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game editor sprite tool for mac

Postby master0500 » Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:27 am

is there any chance for getting this on mac???????????
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Re: game editor sprite tool for mac

Postby FeralX » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:48 am

master0500 wrote:is there any chance for getting this on mac?

If there is enough call for it , I plan to port it Mono, ( whcih is an opensource equilvelant of MS .NET)

I just did a quick test using the MonoAnaylyser and appears it should run should run on Linux and should "possibly" run on OSX :)

.. but I have yet to run any tests.. will up date you when I know more, nut don't hold your breath.. it may be a while..sorry

unless there are a LOT of mac users here ? I seem to remeber a poll from the old days , has there been any new ones ?

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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby skydereign » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:42 am

There are a fair few mac users now, as gE now can be used on mac. Also anyone who wants to build their own iphone games needs a mac as well. Anyway, a Linux version would be much appreciated (or a mac).
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby Game A Gogo » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:39 pm

skydereign wrote:Also anyone who wants to build their own iphone games needs a mac as well.

I though you could export to iphone on windows and linux?
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Re: off topic - game editor sprite tool

Postby schnellboot » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:21 pm

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