I'm very new to both GE and C. I'm currently working on an RPG in the vein of LoZ: Link to the Past (although i'm still working on the base mechanics) and games like that. I have some questions, to which I haven't yet found good answers or resources.
As far as combat goes, is it best to use collision rather than distance to determine whether damage should be dealt? If it helps, I do want solid (not being able to be walked through by the player) enemies.
In the case of collision, i tried using collisionfree and an if/else statement to reduce the hp of the Collision Actor if there was a collision, but I couldn't get this work.
Currently, I have my code set to check for distance between the player and a specific other actor (the enemy) and then reduce its hp if it is close enough. Of course, this set up isn't very useful, as it can only work for one actor without having to change variables in order to check for distance/ reduce the hp of a different actor.
Generally, I am just looking for tips, etc. for developing a good combat system.
Thanks for any assistance!