Pokemon Garnet - Created by Hblade and Tleh.
In the world of pokemon, there exists 1 pokemon above all, his name: Mimuko. This pokemon has the power to take any form it wants. Ditto also has this ability, but Ditto's ability is limited. Mimuko has the ability to fully copy the shape and voice of any pokemon, people too. At the base of team rocket, a plot is being worked on about trying to catch Mimuko. Little does team rocket know, Mimuko can not be captured. If he is threatened, then everyone on earth may be in danger. It's up to you to stop team rocket, Or Mimuko.
----------------------------------Controles - Controler----------------------------------
Button 1: Open menu.
Button 2: Close menu.
Button 3: Talk / Action.
Button 4: Does nothing yet.
Lstick: Moves character.
Rstick: Does nothing yet.
Start: Opens menu.
Select: Does nothing yet.
Arrows: Moves character.
L1: Switch between item catagory in the items menu.
L2: Switches beterrn item catagory in the items menu.
R1: Same as L1.
R2: Same as L2.
L3: Does nothing yet.
R3: Does nothing yet.
----------------------------------Controles - Keybored.--------------------------------
/: Opens menu.
backspace: Closes menu.
Enter: Talk / Action.
1: Switch between item catagory.
2: Switch between item catagory.
Arrows: Moves character.
In order to use a controler, you must run the Xpadder files, both of them.
If you don't have Xpadder, you can download it from one of my posts.
Message system.
Movement system.
Menu system.
2 1/2 D wall system.
If anyone would like to help, I need a load system. I have the variables able to save, but it's harder having it load when you run the file.
Run Pokemon title.ged.
There is still some glitches.