LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

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LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

Postby Lexcondran » Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:37 am

Version 1.9 is nah and its way more updated than the other version.
1.9 has a options menu/shops/4 new areas/dialogue/and an inventory
also there are shurikens,throwing knives,bombs and keys with the secret pink or blue walls.
you cna have 4 save files now=Red,Blue,Green,Yellow
//I cant upload new version since its 2.20 mb ...
it should be maximum of 3mb lol

-----------MY link for such is down on page [2] of this topic or in my signature for Application file and Open file which are in Winrar form folders. :D

***2.0Now when you hit enemy sparx show up along with some new bug fixes like the no save issue that blocked mouse clicks :D

***2.2Now with harvesting crafting ness to make items by getting Wood,Ore,Flowers
And combat has been changed with spacebar and m = M for selected spell and Spacebar for Melee or Ranged

***2.3, Damage shows up in combat and Acp is used to do stuff and the craft menu has changed also bosses now have animations as well.

***3.0, Okay Graphical Change, Menu changes, 12 spells, skills and spelsl can be upgraded
fight screen has had some changes, and map has been changed along with other things lots of stuff
***3.0 again [uhhhhh]
Well i made the quest thing so you have to enter a password to continue past the starting zone
do this by talking to the guys in each house [Left/RIght click TALK button]
and also DO NOT FIGHT the Soldier he will PWN you beyond all reason lol
hmm i changed some other small things as well like i added chests

ps[to take screenshots]
there is a button next to scroll lock that says print screen
press print screen for full view,, or press alt+printscreen for window view
then go to pain and paste the image =] that way anyone can take screenshots
LEXC's RPG APP FILE 3.0 new.zip
Chests added/12spells/7areas/startzone quest/other things lol 3.0 {7/15/2010}
(5.55 MiB) Downloaded 540 times
MAGIC oh yeah 12 spells....lol
XD_Level ups some menus and battle system*old V.1
Hazza rats look like rats lol
(838.49 KiB) Downloaded 698 times
Last edited by Lexcondran on Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:25 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby Hblade » Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:45 am

Hey, I like the style of your RPG, but heres a hint ;) If you want to make soemthing GOOD, (this is for future develoupment), dont enabel the mouse at all. Mouse with games SUUUUCKS, no offense if you like World of Warcraft, but look, WoW has NOOOOTHHHIIINNNGGG on using a controller or disabling the mouse, the hotkeys are boring...

Anyway back to the subject lol, yeah if you wanna make a game good, use nice graphics, disable the mouse, and use nice audio (But it dosnt have to be next gen stuff, it can be pixeljunk for all I care :P) As long as you have good gameplay.

I like your RPG Style thing, it's cool! + 1 point.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby Lexcondran » Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:46 am

lol im working on it but graphics come last since i suck with graphics lol people still think it was me that made those
extremely nice looking things in my art thing//you can tell what it mine and whats not XD
right now im working on figuring out how to get the speed to work=//
speed stat works only when the player has lower speed than enemy.
i was thinking about adding in stuff but really need to understand some elements first
Save/Load/Options pretty much//Region areas i cant figure out how to load them without messing up
Shops and stuff im really just trying to make a thing so everyone can make their own Rpg type thing :)
the many stats stuff to choose from
Last edited by Lexcondran on Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby kynetic » Fri Oct 16, 2009 6:11 pm

Hey Lex,
sry for asking such a n00bish question but... where did you set to go to the "Game Over" screen when 3 enemys get killed?
I wanted to fool around a bit with "random monster spawning" but testing stuff is hard if you are limited to 3 enemys only.

From what I saw it could actually be anywhere.

I'm actually surprised that you're not using the "Global Code"...
Again, I'm a noob hence I might not know certain limitations.
However, this is looking like a "maintenance nightmare" since you need to remember everything, otherwise, you won't find anything anymore after a while.

Please, do not consider this as criticsm... I actually like the "simplicity" but well thought design of your demo!
It looks like a perfect playground for beginners like me...

If you don't want to talk about it in this thread, I'm also okay with having a talk over IM.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby Lexcondran » Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:18 pm

its suppose to only say game over if your die.
i was thinking of adding a //description to practically every line of coding to help people know.
its besides the fact that im working on the fighting style by making another game thats complex in the combat
thing such as push button to change attack style/1 button attacks/2 switch between Magic/Melee/Range
and 3 elements/ 9 spells to choose from in custom thing and the special sheild/heal thing lol [10 spells really]
im brainstorming the coding in a game then ill add it to the game removing that stupid thing i made for fighting.
it will make sense once i use hblades advice and remove mouse to make mouse less menus. i just need art and regions learning to make infinite regions easily/ touch the side of region and it moves view to next area .
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby kynetic » Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:58 pm

Thanks for your reply Lex.
I based my post on the fact that I ended up in the "Game Over"-screen every time the last fight was over.
I now realize that this was due to the fact that I always died at the same time as the last enemy.

After I implemented some "healing potions" and retested the whole thing it became obvious.
Well... sorry, my bad!

But at least my implementation for randomly spawned enemys is working. :)
Well, currently only with rats, but I guess it shouldn't be too hard to even randomize the spawned monster type.
And they do only spawn within the "maze"... took some time to figure out that they all got spawned relative to the position of my "timer"-actor.
And I thought my math skills went really bad...

The stuff you're planning sound very nice!
Keep at it!

I actually like the way you implemented the "Fighting-Style"... it has a lot of potential.
It needs some tweaking here and there, but you could actually implement different hit speed and reaction time, maybe even counter attacks.
It would feel kind of "realistic"...
If you are a fast fighter, why not taking advantage of it.
You hit the enemy twice while he is hitting you once... you might actually kill him, before he even scratches you...
These are the kind of things I think of when I see you implementation.
But, this is your game. ;)

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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby Lexcondran » Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:49 pm

lol unfortunately unlike you im not a genius XD
see i have ideas thats about it i have like no skills and only ideas on how to make a huge update to the thing like
a real time fighiting screen after you use the world area menu, also i suck with using regions cause i just dont know
it took me a long time to fix the att/def thing where it used to be that you healed the enemy if you had to much or to little
most everyone is an Artist//Scriptor//Musciscian im a superb idea dude thats my skill which is better yet not practical
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby BlarghNRawr » Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:35 pm

Not practical?
No games would exist without an "Idea dude". :wink:
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes

Postby Lexcondran » Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:37 am

wow thanks yes... :D
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes//Updated 1.5

Postby Lexcondran » Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:24 am

Upgraded Version 1.5
Combat has been redefined and upgraded
New monsters have been added
Press spacebar to attack
Click on the buttons in the middle to choose attack type.
Me=Melee red Sword
Ma=Magic blue Magic
Ra=Ranged yellow Arrow
Last edited by Lexcondran on Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes//Updated 1.5

Postby Lexcondran » Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:46 pm

I updated it a bit more again
New rebalanced attributes
To start combat with monsters you must be touching them then click on them
And added new thing to have 3 save files to choose from so you can have 3 character saves
The save files are in the box and say Bob, Bob2, Bob3
im wishing to add things for the options menu and make a shop to buy stuff for inventory=Next
Last edited by Lexcondran on Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes//Updated 1.7

Postby Scorpion50o1 » Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:19 am

how did you u do the 3 save slots? i wanna know for future games i might make.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes//Updated 1.7

Postby Lexcondran » Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:36 am

its basically just like making 1 save file
instead you just change the name of the group to save to
all globals are saved in a save group called Savefile.
then they are saved as a exterior group=bob, bob2, bob3
i have 3 save timers and 3 load timers
these timers are all n the player.
the player = at the timer destroys them while loading/saving the vars bob, bob2, bob3
they are in the variable/functions thing in the script editor menus=Savevars---Loadvars
=Click save 1,2,3 creates save timer on player
=Click load 1,2,3 creates load timer on player
[I was wanting to know how to get my inventory to work]
[i got the options menu with change char, change colors, change diff]
[i got it to where you can buy items and they have a maximum limit]
[but i cannot figure out how to equip/unequip the weapons or armor]
Last edited by Lexcondran on Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes//Updated 1.7

Postby Scorpion50o1 » Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:18 am

for armor and stuff could you make variable EquipArmor1 and when = 0 its unequiped and = 1 its equiped but make diffrent variables for each part or equipment.

EquipArmor1=1 add 5 def or something around that you could do. and
EquipArmor1=0 add 0 def.
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Re: Lex C Rpg thing yes//Updated 1.9.U

Postby Lexcondran » Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:41 am

So here is like Version 1.9 i added tons of new stuff to it= i mean it when i say alot :shock:
theres an options bar 8)
and inventory and shops 8)
4 new areas with a boss 8)
dialogue/bombs/throwing knives/shurikens/swords/shields/wands/keys/potions/bows lol :lol:
Q to drop a bomb use mouse on it to drag it around 8)
Z for shuriken, X for throwing knife 8)
pink/blue walls are special lol its a thing :oops:
//I fixed alot of bugs or so with it :D
//Their are 2 color change options ofr menus.==Menu colors and Text colors its awesome 8)
//due to bombwalls and Gray key doors there are No save zones where they make it so you dont get stuck in that area when you save/load
//the destruction of bossblocks and key doors is saved in a variable
[If you find any issues while playing the game tell me so that i can probably fix them] 8)
Ps. Making all this stuff on my own was a huge pain in the arse and took me weeks and months cause i was lazy :roll:
Actually most of the recent updates were done this week when i actually got bored and spent my time on it lol :lol:
**************Download files are on last page in most recent post by moowa [me]
The many items and new harvesting supplies
Last edited by Lexcondran on Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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