Memory limit in GE?

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Memory limit in GE?

Postby johnx8x » Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:28 pm

I have a large project (1,4 GB) but I have plenty of RAM to be able to export it, but I keep getting a "not enough memory" error message after a while. I have 6GB, and when trying to export the game I never max up the memory used, but I still get the error. For this reason, I was wondering if anyone knows if GE has its own limits for how large a ged file can be or how much memory it can use?
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Re: Memory limit in GE?

Postby juansimat » Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:23 pm

I suppose that the ged file can be as big as your system format allows (i.e. for FAT32 is 4GB), So I don't thing that's the problem. You have to take into account, that the exported file size is the sum of the ged, the engine (if not exported as only data ".dat") and the files that uses in the data folder. I don't know if GE compresses the files and how it manages the memory for the export. The maximum RAM that a program (in 32 bits) can have is 2GB.

The only way I see to try solving the problem is divide it into multiple ".dat". But If you have that large project, I can imagine that would be a lot of work to divide it into several .ged projects.

I'm sorry I can't help much. Hope that someone Pro comes.
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Re: Memory limit in GE?

Postby lcl » Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:07 pm

Have you tried saving your .ged as a new file and then exporting? I think I've had a problem where a specific project would not export, but doing what I suggested fixed it.
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Re: Memory limit in GE?

Postby johnx8x » Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:42 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried to save the ged as a new file, and have also tried to export the game from two different computers. Still giving the same memory error, even though it's very far from getting maxed out. The other computer I tried to export it on have even more RAM than the one I'm currently using, but it still gave the same error.

I guess I should just start to divide the game into multiple dat files, as suggested.
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Re: Memory limit in GE?

Postby lcl » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:03 pm

johnx8x wrote:Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried to save the ged as a new file, and have also tried to export the game from two different computers. Still giving the same memory error, even though it's very far from getting maxed out. The other computer I tried to export it on have even more RAM than the one I'm currently using, but it still gave the same error.

I guess I should just start to divide the game into multiple dat files, as suggested.

Interesting. :? I can try if I can make it work if you feel comfortable with sending the project to me.
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Re: Memory limit in GE?

Postby juansimat » Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:52 am

Remember to backup your work before.
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Re: Memory limit in GE?

Postby Zivouhr » Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:44 pm

When files get too large in GE, I notice Game Editor has difficulty when in Editor mode, where if I test the gameplay to see how my coding affects it, if I test it about 4 times, my editor crashes and I have to reload everything. Exporting, I have exported games 520 MB, but not over that yet.

I usually export the game file directly to the desktop, making certain the old file is not present on the desktop, otherwise it won't save. Other than that, not sure if GE does reach it's limit, as hinted at with the editor crashing from not resetting the memory it seems, along with only so many tiles that can be visible in editor mode before they no longer appear as you place them (experienced that with my game Tomb of Twelve, but exported, all the map tiles were there thankfully).

I believe Game Editor was originally created with smaller games in mind, and testing for 1 GB+ games was not attempted. If I have time, I'll try to export a 1.5 GB game by duplicating all of my game graphics and seeing if it'll export. For my 520 MB game, City of Rott, it takes about 30 minutes to export each game, and in the Editor itself, 5 minutes to reload the game each time. I have all of my graphic files in only 1 folder, as I noticed there were problems when I tried grouping them into subfolders. The exported game runs reliably, and thankfully doesn't crash, unlike when in Editor mode.
City of Rott Game created on Game Editor
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