Few suggestions from a newbie...

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Few suggestions from a newbie...

Postby Alexvelocity » Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:39 pm

Hi everyone, I've downloaded GE for mac few days ago and now I'm learning the basics.
I think it has potential and can be improved a lot especially adding more actions that usually require a script.
Searching the forum i found some interesting .ged that in my opinion should be added to the engine, like:

- actor moving, jumping and shooting (2, 4 directions)
- actor moving, rotating, shooting in "asteroids" style (for racing, tank or war games)
- dialog engine
- menu, level manager
... and everything more user friendly at least for platform and RPG games.

I know these already exist with scripts but would save a lot of time, helping game developers focus on story and other features.

Also to help GE's community, a facebook group should be useful, a direct and more easy way for everyone to interact, network, support and ask for advice.

Last, when i was searching for game engines on google i firstly discarded GE only for his logo (i thought it wasn't cool enough), i know it's stupid but a renewed logo would help take it in consideration also for non-arcade games.
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Re: Few suggestions from a newbie...

Postby barney12345 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:54 am

Hi there and welcome to gE.
A few little things that I probably should tell you early on so you can consider your position
1. Rotation was promised in the next version of gE, which has been indefinitely postponed in release due to lack of developers
2. Many of these things are easily found on the forum and if they don't work exactly, all it takes is a quick post asking for help
3. The truth is that by making things easier and more user-friendly, the user often gets less freedom in what they do. To accommodate for this need of freedom, the actions would need to be longer, and this just makes them less user friendly again. And look at moveTo and its action set up. It is one of the glitchiest in the program as it is too user friendly
4. Many people that I've seen come to gE over the years have come to learn how to code. They'll know the basics but beyond that, nothing. There are other programs for those who don't want to code, such as Game Maker, which minimalise the coding necessary. This is what makes gE stand out amongst the rest.

Having said all that, I do think some minor things would be helpful, but not full pre-programmed functions like moveTo.
Hopefully you'll get past these things though, remember the forum is here to help

PS. I think I may have just started another forum argument
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Re: Few suggestions from a newbie...

Postby Spectrogram » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:21 pm

If someone were to argue it, it would be over something that needn't be argued...
...then again, arguing over "Professionalism" just because someone had a more efficient code had no reason to spin into a fourteen-page back-and-forth argument.
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Re: Few suggestions from a newbie...

Postby Spectrogram » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:27 pm

Here's a suggestion of mine, (though it's probably been asked for before), and that would be some sort of wait() function. Yes, there are ways of emulating this with frame counting and what not, but some sort of built in function to suspend the action for a given time would be very useful. This especially in scripts where you could imply it directly rather than using a Timer.
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Re: Few suggestions from a newbie...

Postby Zivouhr » Tue Jan 05, 2016 2:53 am

Alexvelocity wrote:Hi everyone, I've downloaded GE for mac few days ago and now I'm learning the basics.
I think it has potential and can be improved a lot especially adding more actions that usually require a script.
Searching the forum i found some interesting .ged that in my opinion should be added to the engine, like:

- actor moving, jumping and shooting (2, 4 directions)
- actor moving, rotating, shooting in "asteroids" style (for racing, tank or war games)
- dialog engine
- menu, level manager
... and everything more user friendly at least for platform and RPG games.

I know these already exist with scripts but would save a lot of time, helping game developers focus on story and other features.

Also to help GE's community, a facebook group should be useful, a direct and more easy way for everyone to interact, network, support and ask for advice.

Last, when i was searching for game engines on google i firstly discarded GE only for his logo (i thought it wasn't cool enough), i know it's stupid but a renewed logo would help take it in consideration also for non-arcade games.

Welcome. I'd like to see a draw actor script added, but I also agree that some more actions in the drop down menu would be helpful also to save time on more basic coding perhaps. I've worked around it since, but wouldn't mind it either.

I did write to Skydereign who mentioned he was working on 1.4.1's release hopefully by this January to February 2016. 8)
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