Code Editor with Improved Stability

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

Code Editor with Improved Stability

Postby bamby1983 » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:50 pm

Here's another addition to my GE wishlist - improved stability for the existing code editor.

As of now, the code editor crashes GE if too many characters are added on a single line. Also, code following the crash is not recoverable at times.
It would also be nice if the code editor did not get "stuck" while typing. Sometimes, even while typing things into it, nothing displays on the screen, although I noticed I have to press an extra backspace for every character I typed in to go back to where I left off. Deleting the last visible character with backspace sometimes makes it "unstuck" again. The same issue occurs while copy-pasting code - only a part of the selected code is pasted while the rest goes missing.
The mouse cursor also sometimes does not go to the place I click on. Closing and restarting the code editor fixes this as of now.

A better font-background combination would be nice too. The current grey background makes it a little difficult to read font on screens with low contrast. Maybe a white background with dark fonts or better yet, a black background with light fonts (best suited for the existing font colour scheme) would be best. Black backgrounds reduce eye strain and save electricity too.
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Re: Code Editor with Improved Stability

Postby skydereign » Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:05 pm

I'm currently working on this. I believe I've fixed the problem where it crashes on long lines, and I'm setting up a way of using color themes for the editor. I'm still working on that, but I'll take a look at the other things you mentioned. I've also set it where you can change the size of the editor, which I find quite nice.
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Re: Code Editor with Improved Stability

Postby kickstart » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:01 pm

I know this is an old post, but I was just wondering when these feautures would be added to Game Editor?
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Re: Code Editor with Improved Stability

Postby skydereign » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:26 pm

JetpackGrizzly wrote:I know this is an old post, but I was just wondering when these feautures would be added to Game Editor?

Sadly I don't have a lot of time to work on gE development right now, with school work taking most of my time. But, I talked with makslane about releasing another version of 1.4 that has general improvements I've been working on, and that was vetoed. So the changes will only come when 1.5 is released, which doesn't look like it will be any time soon.
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