Adding comments in a View actor DrawActor event

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Adding comments in a View actor DrawActor event

Postby DocRabbit » Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:52 pm

I noticed when trying to prep for uploading a demo I made for Table Tennis, when I added comments in the DrawActor script for the View actor, it made my game go crazy and race through everything to the end screen and not draw my right wall actor at all. Is this a known bug or just something weird.

Also I had GE crash while adding comments in other scripts and had to start over before running into this problem. Is it not a good idea to add too many comments in scripts?
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Postby d-soldier » Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:59 pm

Never heard of this happening... are you using the proper "//" before comments? I'm sure you are, you seen to be good with scripting... dunno..
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