make diffrent screens

Ideas for Game Editor evolution.

make diffrent screens

Postby someone » Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:07 pm

:idea: Why cant you make a place where you can put "Add Screen"?You can go in the screens and make it so you can make a thing to click on and go to script editor and put in a code that you click on it and mabey before you go to script editor you can put a button somewhere that sais "go to screen______" and where the underscores are you pick a screen.Dont you people thing thats a good idea? :mrgreen:
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Re: make diffrent screens

Postby Game A Gogo » Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:09 pm

are you saying to make like "rooms" as in GM???

just use Activation regions and move the view actor to wherever the activation region has been placed, or used multiple GED files
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