This explanation always helped me remember colors, so I thought I would share it. This is in the terms of (RGB)=(0 to 255,0 to 255, 0 to 255). Color, as we perceive it, is the reflected light on an object. So in terms of RGB, the numbers represent reflection amount. Thus, to make something red, set green and blue to min amounts and red to max amount, (255,0,0). To make White, set all to max(255,255,255). To make black, set all to min(0,0,0).
I think if you are use to RGB values, to use Rux's paintcolor for a known RGB value, it would passthru this formula first.
RGB=Normal RGB values from 0 to 255
GEr,GEg,GEb=GameEditor Rux's paintcolor values 1 to 0.
R=abs((255*GEr)-255) and GEr=(255-R)/255
G=abs((255*GEg)-255) and GEg=(255-G)/255
B=abs((255*GEb)-255) and GEb=(255-B)/255
You may want to check my math but these should work.
Rux, I am confused on your 0 to 1 values for rgb variables, my GE seems to work on 255 values.