WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Jagmaster » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:52 am

My brother and I have been playing this like mad! (My brother more than I at times xD) We found a few bugs that were a bit irritating, but It was an awesome experience overall.

I'll start out by stating our favorite things about the game so far.
Firstly: The tons of characters to recruit, they are the most fun to collect.
Secondly: I just love getting new special moves. Always a surprise!
Thirdly: The comics are wonderful.
Fourthly: Penk, Flizard, and Crapin ftw!

Crapin just loves beating the crap out of people! So do I sometimes xD

Now for the bugs:

First of all, I was very excited to use the party system for the first time, as that is a feature that I am always fond of. However this is the spot where I found the most bugs I think.

First off, (I think wertyboy was explaining this above) At times the teammates (especially the walking teammates vs the flying ones) will stay in one spot and continually jump up and down without moving on the x coordinates at all. It almost seems the x coordinates are "locked at this point. I'm not sure if it happens after re-spawning or not, but it happens a lot, and the only way to get them "un-stuck" is to go to the menu, and choose a different party member as a leader. Then they go back to normal. The reason this is especially irritating is because the view locks onto all the players at once, which can inhibit your movement (Especially if you're being Penk or one of the flying wildren.)

I know this is to keep track of all the characters so they don't get lost, but I'd rather either have them lost and then track them down if I need them. Instead, it might be nice to have some sort of "Tracking device" so the leader can locate the other party members. Maybe have the view move to them to show you where they are, and then go back to the leader? Either that or have them respawn sometime after they leave the view (which is the method I'm using for my project for co-op players), sort of like when they fall into the pit. That makes a lot of respawning and is not the best, but it's easier.

The other problem we've had, might be some kind of anti-cheating mechanism perhaps? When you do fly (like Penk) If you fly underneath a gap between platforms, you get stuck underneath them when you try to fly through. It seems like you should be able to fly through them, but you can't! :lol: Also, It seems that the other birds fly higher than me :evil: Maybe they are supposed to 0: That's okay if they do, sometimes it's too easy being a bird. xD

The are some others that are rather strange, so I'll attach the piece of the log that pertains to it.
This problem happened when you tried to give an inventory item to a party member, and I think the procedure was cancelled. The dialogue with the "Give, toss, toss all, cancel) got stuck on the home screen. A weird memory leak, and I can't reproduce it. D: Here's the log, maybe it means something.
Code: Select all
18:32:48 - Access game menu
18:32:49 - Access Pocket
18:32:55 - Give item 'Cereal' to Penkus
18:32:56 - Close Pocket
18:32:57 - Close game menu //Dialogue remains
18:32:58 - Access game menu
18:32:58 - Close game menu //Tries to get rid of it.
18:33:01 - Access game menu
18:33:09 - Access Catalog
18:33:11 - Close Catalog
18:33:15 - Access Map
18:33:18 - Close Map
18:33:20 - Access Main Menu
Game saved at 18:33:20
Play time 00:04:38
Game was suspended for 00:00:00
//Had to force close (esc)

Next was strange, Played a whole session without leveling up, even though I had the the upgrade bar full. Then when the game was re-opened, it upgraded everyone lots of times.
Code: Select all
System status: Game exited forcefully last time... (25/06/2012 - 21:20:31)

25/06/2012 - 21:21:07 - Sherena Centra:Spring:Clear
Team Member: 6
- Penkus Lv.47/Water
- Flizard Lv.24/Rock
- Spellow Lv.20/Ice
- Axolux Lv.26/Dark
- Briver Lv.35/Fire
- Malpion Lv.27/Thunder
Current leader: Briver

Game action as follows:

21:21:08 - Penkus leveled up to Lv.48
21:21:14 - Penkus is trying to learn a new move 'Abdominal Curl', but all slots are full
21:21:39 - The move 'Dive Attack' replaced with 'Abdominal Curl'
21:21:39 - Flizard leveled up to Lv.25
21:21:42 - Spellow leveled up to Lv.21
21:21:44 - Axolux leveled up to Lv.27
21:21:46 - Penkus leveled up to Lv.49
21:21:48 - Flizard leveled up to Lv.26
21:21:50 - Spellow leveled up to Lv.22
21:21:52 - Briver leveled up to Lv.36
21:21:55 - Briver is trying to learn a new move 'Water Shot', but all slots are full
21:22:05 - The move learning canceled  // didn't want that move xD

Thirdly, the mission my bro is up to (the one after finding snew's boat in the cave) cannot be completed because the game locks up when the comic comes up. The image was used in another scene and doesn't match the outdoor scene. I will get a screencaps when I can.

There was one other leak that I found in the shop, Kinda weird and there was no log data for it ): The shopkeepers avatar was on the top like he was going to say something after I left the igloo :lol: then it froze 0:

Now for my wishlist, and some ideas =)

I'd love a little more control over my party. It would be cool to give them simple rts style tasks. (Like defend leader, attack strongest, attack weakest, evade, stay put, etc...) As of now, I don't have a lot of control, and they sometimes do all the work for me :evil:

Those cool drawings in the comic scenes need to be in the mission briefings! (In contrast to the sprites.) Just my opinion d:

The power between the the land animals and flying ones seems unbalanced with their advantage of flight. This does make Penkus all powerful! Hahaha! He shall dominate! :twisted: But I don't think it's fair to Ize and Wallice to have the disadvantage. Even though the stats are mixed, Penk is the easiest to play as regardless. Maybe exaggerate the difference in the stats to make it a little more interesting for him. Like reduce all his attacks, and have him focus on defense because he's so good at that already? Just a thought. =)

This might sound strange, but it would be neat to have the party members leave after a certain amount of deaths? It would make you think before you brought out your super rare species!

That's all I have for now, I will think of more once I think of them!
I think this is an awesome game, this needs to be on an appstore of some kind at some point. The work and detail makes it apparent that you have an absolute passion for this craft, and it's incredible! We all need that kind of determination!
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Wertyboy » Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:33 am

Bug Found:
In Lumna B........ beach:
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Bee-Ant » Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:14 pm

Wertyboy wrote:Hmm... sorry for my english, but.... for some reason that Ize (and others...... i think) can't move after respawn (sometimes)

Ahhh, OK. You should mention "respawn" earlier.
Roger, thanks for the confirmation. +1 for you.

Jagmaster wrote:I'll start out by stating our favorite things about the game so far.
Firstly: The tons of characters to recruit, they are the most fun to collect.
Secondly: I just love getting new special moves. Always a surprise!
Thirdly: The comics are wonderful.
Fourthly: Penk, Flizard, and Crapin ftw!

I'm soooo verrry thank you. Really, I really appreciate it. Good to hear that there's someone enjoy to play it.

Jagmaster wrote:Crapin just loves beating the crap out of people!

Haha, I use him as avatar is the proof that he's indeed good.

Jagmaster wrote:It almost seems the x coordinates are "locked at this point. I'm not sure if it happens after re-spawning or not, but it happens a lot, and the only way to get them "un-stuck" is to go to the menu, and choose a different party member as a leader. Then they go back to normal.

Indeed. I face this problem too sometimes. But I guess it's no more, since I have changed the respawning system :)

Jagmaster wrote:I know this is to keep track of all the characters so they don't get lost, but I'd rather either have them lost and then track them down if I need them. Instead, it might be nice to have some sort of "Tracking device" so the leader can locate the other party members. Maybe have the view move to them to show you where they are, and then go back to the leader? Either that or have them respawn sometime after they leave the view (which is the method I'm using for my project for co-op players), sort of like when they fall into the pit. That makes a lot of respawning and is not the best, but it's easier.

OK. Thank you for the suggestion. I will note this. But I can't implement it immediately. Need time to think and consider. Thanks.

Jagmaster wrote:The other problem we've had, might be some kind of anti-cheating mechanism perhaps? When you do fly (like Penk) If you fly underneath a gap between platforms, you get stuck underneath them when you try to fly through. It seems like you should be able to fly through them, but you can't! Also, It seems that the other birds fly higher than me. Maybe they are supposed to 0: That's okay if they do, sometimes it's too easy being a bird. xD

Well, I add some flying limit to them. To prevent cheating yes, and also to prevent continues respawning when you use flying wildren as leader while you have non-flying members. Continues respawning will just kill them. For the "stuck underneath" thing, I will check it.

Jagmaster wrote:The dialogue with the "Give, toss, toss all, cancel) got stuck on the home screen. A weird memory leak, and I can't reproduce it. D: Here's the log, maybe it means something.

That's really weird. Never face that problem before. The log file doesn't show any strange behaviour. Did you try to give the Cereal to fainting Penkus?

Jagmaster wrote:Next was strange, Played a whole session without leveling up, even though I had the the upgrade bar full. Then when the game was re-opened, it upgraded everyone lots of times.

Sometimes when I did some test, I forgot to revert back the variables I changed to their original value xD

Jagmaster wrote:Thirdly, the mission my bro is up to (the one after finding snew's boat in the cave) cannot be completed because the game locks up when the comic comes up. The image was used in another scene and doesn't match the outdoor scene. I will get a screencaps when I can.

That is the final scene, not yet finished :P

Jagmaster wrote:There was one other leak that I found in the shop, Kinda weird and there was no log data for it ): The shopkeepers avatar was on the top like he was going to say something after I left the igloo :lol: then it froze 0:

Gosh, so many bugs that I haven't met before. OK, I'll check.

EDIT: Fixed.
It happens if you try to reenter the shop too soon before the screen transition finished.

Jagmaster wrote:I'd love a little more control over my party. It would be cool to give them simple rts style tasks. (Like defend leader, attack strongest, attack weakest, evade, stay put, etc...) As of now, I don't have a lot of control, and they sometimes do all the work for me

Darn, finally someone mentioned this. Actually I was thinking of adding this feature too. Put the "Strategy" feature in the third page of Summary.
But only 4 of them:
- Follow Leader
- Pursue Enemy
- Gather Coins
- Avoid Trouble

Jagmaster wrote:Those cool drawings in the comic scenes need to be in the mission briefings! (In contrast to the sprites.) Just my opinion d:


Jagmaster wrote:The power between the the land animals and flying ones seems unbalanced with their advantage of flight. This does make Penkus all powerful! Hahaha! He shall dominate! But I don't think it's fair to Ize and Wallice to have the disadvantage. Even though the stats are mixed, Penk is the easiest to play as regardless.

If you look carefully in Catalog. Most flying wildrens have low HP, Energy, and P.Defense. Most land wildrens have more HP, Energy, and P.Defense. Trust me, I have did so many tests. And the result is, flying wildrens are more vulnerable and have lower durability. Their energy is also quickly drained. That's why I gave them ability to fly to cover this weaknesses.

Jagmaster wrote:Maybe exaggerate the difference in the stats to make it a little more interesting for him. Like reduce all his attacks, and have him focus on defense because he's so good at that already?

Well, as you can see. Penkus has 40 base HP and Physical Defense. How could you call that good?
If you compare him to Goost which has lower BaseStat total. Penkus is a complete disgrace in term of durability :P

Jagmaster wrote:This might sound strange, but it would be neat to have the party members leave after a certain amount of deaths? It would make you think before you brought out your super rare species!

Woops... never thought about this one.
But hmmm, I guess this can only be applied on regular wildrens. Because there're several sacred/legend/boss/special wildrens that you can recruit only once... like Belgre, Snew, Garuda, Lancher, etc...

Jagmaster wrote:That's all I have for now, I will think of more once I think of them!

Thank you very much for your help. Bug reports and suggestions. +3 for you.

Wertyboy wrote:Bug Found:
In Lumna B........ beach:

Werty, Ize also has HP. Which means, he will faint once the HP is 0.
He can't live forever xD
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Wertyboy » Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:46 pm

Bee-Ant wrote:
Wertyboy wrote:Bug Found:
In Lumna B........ beach:

Werty, Ize also has HP. Which means, he will faint once the HP is 0.
He can't live forever xD

Err...... maybe that screenshot is useless..... i couldn't talk to that boss without Ize :(
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Bee-Ant » Tue Jun 26, 2012 5:49 pm

Wertyboy wrote:Err...... maybe that screenshot is useless..... i couldn't talk to that boss without Ize :(

What do you mean?
The boss dialog works just fine without the original leader (Ize/Penk/Wall) being alive here.
Did you do something else before encounter the boss?

Ahhh, found it.
Yes, in Lumna Beach. And probably in Orange Path too.
Just put a wrong variable to assign. Fixed now.
Thanks. +1
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Bee-Ant » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:17 am

RECENT UPDATES - June 27th 2012

1. PartyBox colouring for Fainting Member

2. Key Item is now fully implemented

3. Weapon is now fully implemented

4. Weapons attaching

5. Weapons usage in battle
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Wertyboy » Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:25 pm

Bee-Ant wrote:1. PartyBox colouring for Fainting Member
2. Key Item is now fully implemented
3. Weapon is now fully implemented
4. Weapons attaching
5. Weapons usage in battle

1. Nice
3. Aurora Fan now look much better
4. look guys..... look at those name lol
5. What about the animations/sprite?
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Bee-Ant » Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:45 pm

Wertyboy wrote:Aurora Fan now look much better

Actually I just use the same sprite :P

Wertyboy wrote:What about the animations/sprite?

No animation so far. Also,this weapon will replace your regular attack if you attach it.
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Lacotemale » Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:10 pm

I just want to say... Bee-Ant I admire your dedication to this game! I don't know how you keep up the work on it, I would have given up ages ago! :D

I wish I had your dedication/focus, so I could finish projects/games/etc! :)
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Bee-Ant » Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:29 pm

Lacotemale wrote:I just want to say... Bee-Ant I admire your dedication to this game! I don't know how you keep up the work on it, I would have given up ages ago! :D

I wish I had your dedication/focus, so I could finish projects/games/etc! :)

I dunno how can I keep up. Most people said "you just need a strong determination, and that strong determination will be easily acquired after you get your maturity".
As you can see here:
There are couples of DEMO I made. I made them when I was so labile. Easily lose of interest.
My first full game was WB1. I made it in 2008. 4 years ago, when I was 18. I guess I got my maturity at that time :D
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby SuperSonic » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:00 pm

I have been playing an older version of WBR for a while and I liked it a lot. I recently downloaded the newest version, and I can see all the extra stuff you've added. However, one thing I don't like is that it seems too easy to level up. Is that on purpose? :)
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Bee-Ant » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:21 pm

SuperSonic wrote:One thing I don't like is that it seems too easy to level up. Is that on purpose? :)

Well yeah, everything is on purpose.
I did test so many times and have adjusted everything.
Hmmm, I wonder if I need to reduce them a bit...
Too easy to levelup is boring, but too hard to levelup is also boring.
And here, each player has different easiness/hardness level. It's kinda hard to take the most balanced decision.
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby SuperSonic » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:34 pm

Bee-Ant wrote:Too easy to levelup is boring, but too hard to levelup is also boring.
I guess that's true. But I still think it should be just a bit harder :P
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby Bee-Ant » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:08 am

Actually I have made some difficulty gradient.
Multiply the EXP by *1.5 while in training level.
Multiply the EXP by *1 while "alone", and
Multiply the EXP by *0.67 after you're able to recruit member.
If you still think it's too easy then I will just add difficulty option in main menu :)
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Re: WINTER BLAST REMAX - Beta Updated 15 June 2012

Postby lcl » Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:59 am

Bee-Ant wrote:Actually I have made some difficulty gradient.
Multiply the EXP by *1.5 while in training level.
Multiply the EXP by *1 while "alone", and
Multiply the EXP by *0.67 after you're able to recruit member.
If you still think it's too easy then I will just add difficulty option in main menu :)

Hey, I noticed that :D Now I know the reason why my leveling up got harder!
I think this is quite good system.
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