32b, 24b Bitmaps vs. 16b, 8b, 4b Bitmaps

Non-platform specific questions.

32b, 24b Bitmaps vs. 16b, 8b, 4b Bitmaps

Postby ji » Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:43 pm

I know GE supports 24b (w/ indexed trans from the corner pixel) and that it also supports 32b (w/ alpha trans). However, I was curious if it supported smaller (indexed) bitmaps. The reason I ask is for in the interest in saving executable space.
Lance "ji" May
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Postby makslane » Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:55 pm

Regardless the input image depth, Game Editor will choose the best compression/velocity balance for your images.
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Postby ji » Fri Jan 07, 2005 2:32 pm

So is that to say that if I add an 8b bitmap it will convert it to a 24b, or does that mean that if I upload a 24b it will automatically convert to an 8b (if there are few enough colors)?
Lance "ji" May
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Postby makslane » Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:03 pm

In the Pocket PC all images are converted to 16bpp
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