Basics on Creating a Struct

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Basics on Creating a Struct

Postby Hblade » Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:10 am

First, what is a struct? A struct is a "structured record" that aggregates a fixed set of labelled objects, possibly of different types, into a single object. ( ... anguage%29)

Let's begin with actually making a struct.
Code: Select all
struct PlayerInfo {
    int age;
    char *name;

The ; is important after the }. Now we have created a struct. What you can do NOW is create a second struct and give it the properties of our first struct like so:
Code: Select all
struct Player1 PlayerInfo;
struct Player2 PlayerInfo;

Now what you can do from there is define seperate information, like this:
Code: Select all"Bob";

See how this works? Hope it helps :)!
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