How to manage data folders?

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How to manage data folders?

Postby DST » Tue Dec 25, 2007 8:15 pm

GE is working out great, except for the data folders. Each time I make a new game, it picks the data folder itself from the previous data folders (it almost seems random) there any way to change this? Some of my games' data folders have EVERY graphic from EVERY game in them. Makes backing up, or posting demos here nearly impossible, as I'd have to sort the 45 mb data folder each time. And of course if I delete any images from a data folder...some game won't load...and you know how long it takes to attempt opening and correct missing files one by one like that?
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Re: How to manage data folders?

Postby Troodon » Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:01 pm

I know what's your problem. You are saving your ged files directly to the game editor folder. You should save them inside new folders. Every game inside one folder.
Because when you click save GE saves the ged.file and creates a folder called DATA and clones all the graphics etc to that folder. If there is already DATA folder in the save directory then it just puts the files with it.
So when you make a publishable game put every game to it's own folder. :)
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Re: How to manage data folders?

Postby DST » Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:46 am

Yes I already do that. Each one in its own folder, with its own data folder too. Then I open one and it's using the data folder that is in another games folder. Doesn't make sense.
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Re: How to manage data folders?

Postby Troodon » Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:46 am

Weird. I've never seen that. :shock:
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Re: How to manage data folders?

Postby j2graves » Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:08 am

did you try saving differet data folders in different locations?
just an idea
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