I'm now trying to make all here think about how they could help other people
with the feedback they give after playing someones game.
What about starting to give some real feedback of people's games?
Why would one just tell that the game is awesome, without telling why, or, even worse, without actually thinking that way.
When commenting someones game, ask yourself do you really have something to comment.
If you're just going to say it's cool or something similar, which is your answer to everything, why even bother to write it?
You could make a shortening for it, like: TGIA = This Game Is Awesome. But would you like to hear only that every time you have done a massive amount of job for finishing a game?
Like ok, here's the comments of your game:
Comments on your game: wrote:Mister unknown wrote:TGIA, truly TGIA.Some random guy wrote:Very good game.
Nice work!Gamer123456 wrote:I agree with Mister unknown and Some random guy.
Nice words, but totally useless.
With most games, there is something that people think is bad and what should be fixed. Telling it will help the one making the game.
When making a game you might accidentally ignore a problem, which someone else then notices and in the best case tells it to you and then you can fix your game.
Few things that may help to write a good feedback:
- Tell what things you like in the game
- Tell what would need to be fixed
- Maybe try to give some advice or ideas
- Being honest
Of course, writing a real feedback will take some time.
Make sure you have some time to spend when starting to write.

Also writing a good feedback gives you a nice feeling and also does the same for the one you wrote to.
And finally, don't think that I consider myself as a perfect person, or that I think I am better person than anyone of you or that I am just trying to show off my intelligence.

Because I don't, I am just trying to help you all help other people with your feedback.
Thanks for reading this. =)
- lcl -