it comes with more advanved painter file saving,
use the right mouse button for a bigger brush,
selection between round and square.
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left control + z is undo, you may use up to 3 undos
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the retouch is pretty much reading the image in the part for the last undo.
remember: there is no redo function yet.
![Sad :(](
everything else is simple enough, the sliders change the R, G, and B values.
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sample colour function,
select the re-touch brush and rightclick on the colour you want on the canvas/picture.
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and mirror function,
press the mirror button to flip the image left or right.
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Just Added:
flip function,
press the flip button to flip images up and down.
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to load an image type the image name in the grey box and press Load.
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picture viewer coming soon.
![Very Happy :D](
to read a painter image in a game:
link: ... 1134#21134
Demo on how to do it: ... 1194#21194
![Very Happy :D](
Here is the link for the version that you can make images for GE with: