GE Compatible with Web Game Builder?

Game Editor comments and discussion.

GE Compatible with Web Game Builder?

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:49 am

Has anyone had any experience with Web game builder? I just found this a couple days ago and downloaded the trial. It supposedly takes an exe and embeds it into a swf for the web via ActiveX or something like that. I was wondering if anyone has used this because I've been having trouble with a GE game when loaded into WGB. The site says that they have a patch for Blitz 3D users that have a similar problem. (Upon loading, a popup showing the exe appears and disappears.)

Perhaps GE executables are not compatible?

I'm not trying to advertize, but besides the fact that only a Windows user on an ActiveX enabled web browser (Won't work in Firefox or Chrome unless they were ActiveX enabled) are able to run the games from this software, It might be a good tool. That is, if it will work with GE games.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?
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Re: GE Compatible with Web Game Builder?

Postby Hblade » Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:03 am

Cool! :D
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