Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

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Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby LeeFesler » Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:23 am

My name is Lee Fesler!!! This is an addictive, KILL AS MANY AS POSSIBLE SURVIVAL GAME!!! I work on making games on my free time. mainly just a bunch of random crap. But this is my first real game! STill in a Beta stage though. :| But, from people ive let try it, they say its good and addictive! Still a few bugs, but hey! Thats life! But i included some kick ass music! juts one track for now. plan on making a whole set list and multiple levels! And somehow make an online scoreboard for highscores! (need help there! :p) But i also need an artist! But i have no money. :( But i will credit whoever helps! Enjoy the game and pleaseeee give feedback!!! (No Ged. file!! Not yet anyways. ;D)
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby lverona » Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:12 am

Insane game! Haha!

I would work with shot sounds. Currently if you hold the key long enough, it will trigger the shot sound many-many times. That sounds not very awesome ;)

Also, when you die, pigs don't allow you to come back easily.
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby LeeFesler » Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:04 am

Like I said, some bugs, it I will fix that!!! :D I appreciate your feedback though. Reccomend it!!! I plan on soon making some big updates!!!! ;D and glad you enjoy it. :)
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby Hares » Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:27 pm

I like the concept, pig eggs floating under water :D

The controls you set up are for a qwerty keyboard, and I have an azerty keyboard. For me it is super hard to move the player around.
So if you can take that into account for your next update ... :D
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby LeeFesler » Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:52 pm

Hares wrote:I like the concept, pig eggs floating under water :D

The controls you set up are for a qwerty keyboard, and I have an azerty keyboard. For me it is super hard to move the player around.
So if you can take that into account for your next update ... :D

Thanks!! :D but could you tell me the control set up you use then???? Then its a sure fire thing. ;)
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby lcl » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:31 pm

Nice game. It's a bit difficult, though XD I usually die after a few seconds.
This is your first game made on game editor?

Epic music, I have to say :D Do you listen metal? (I think it's quite obvious that you do, but I still had to ask :lol: )
You could try enhancing the gameplay somehow. Possibly add some insane power-ups, that drop from above every now and then,
and when collected create an amazing blast or something. A shield for a few seconds would be good also :D

And one hint for the menu's.. Place Filled Region actors on top of the text actors, and put the mouse click and mouse over events to them,
it'll be nicer to use the menu's if you don't have to try to aim the letters :wink:

EDIT: also, welcome to the forum! :D
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby LeeFesler » Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:13 am

Haha I listen to what's called Djent and Progressive metal mainly. :D I also play guitar and record a little bit of music, but I love studying game programming! but yes, this is my first ever real game. XD but I know its a little hard, I've been working hard ontthat hat. I'll have a lot fixed by next update. :) and I did not know I could do that. I was just gonna make icons but that'll be a lot easier!!! Thanks! :D and thank you. :) I appreciate actual feedback!!! but any ideas on how I could make power ups and stuff????
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby Hares » Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:48 pm

Thanks!! :D but could you tell me the control set up you use then???? Then its a sure fire thing. ;)

Sorry for the late answer, didn't see your reply ...

If you would move all key one positon to the right then I think it should be ok.

I checked it for:
qwerty (english)
azerty (french)
qwertz (german)

now die pigs ... die! :D
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby lcl » Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:42 pm

LeeFesler wrote:Haha I listen to what's called Djent and Progressive metal mainly. Image I also play guitar and record a little bit of music, but I love studying game programming! but yes, this is my first ever real game. XD but I know its a little hard, I've been working hard ontthat hat. I'll have a lot fixed by next update. :) and I did not know I could do that. I was just gonna make icons but that'll be a lot easier!!! Thanks! :D and thank you. :) I appreciate actual feedback!!! but any ideas on how I could make power ups and stuff????

Cool! I listen to, well, basically metal. Power metal, some Death metal, some Thrash metal, etc.
I also play guitar and bass guitar, and I'm a member in two active bands. In one of them I'm a guitarist and in the other one I'm the lead singer (since last rehearsals XD).
I also record some music at my home, and intend to record much more than I currently do. XD

But yeah, game programming is awesome, I may be going to study it after high school.
Your first game is about a thousand times better than my first game was! :lol:

Well, about power-ups.. You could just make them as randomly generating icons that when created, fall from the top of the screen, like the eggs do.
But these power-ups, when collected, would then do different things. Image
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby LeeFesler » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:03 pm

Hey I record and make my own music to!!!! :D I also sing, I growl pretty good, okay at screaming, and I false chord fairly well. :D hahaha. I play guitar also. :D I play low like, Drop A or Drop G. Lol I use to do bass before I gave it away. Lol but thatsbawesome. :D what were the chances. Lol and I plan on it to. I want game making my career and games fascinate me so it'd be a dream job.

But heyyy, if you ever want guest vocals, email me a demo track or something, some lyrics and I could unleash. :D I have a pretty good mic. But I mainly listen to Proggresive, Djent, Death core, Metalcore, and Easy core. (stuff like, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!)

This game at this state took me 3 months. Lol but I plan on making something sick out of it. I deff need to figure out how to do online scoreboards!!!! Any info, please help. But I'll figure something out. one power up I know will be a potatoe! Lol
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby knucklecrunchgames » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:27 pm

Hey this game is pretty good :)

Here's some stuff to improve.

You could add a fun story like the pigs has taken over and your little charater has to stop them.

Powerups. yeah! add stuff like freeze attack and electric attack

new enemies: enemies like basic pig and fire pig and cowboy pig stuff like that.

on the whole, I enjoyed killing them pigs. I can take my anger out on them :x :x :P :P
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby LeeFesler » Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:08 pm

I plan on a story at some point. :D but the next update will just be levels, and bug fixes. I plan on a lot going to it. :)

But hey, that's a good idea!!!! Im not really good at doing the art so I'd have to have someone do em for me. Lol

And good idea on power ups!! Especially the freeze. That's a good idea. Thanks! :D I might just do that!! But I'm glad you enjoy it! All the positive feedback is making me just want to work harder!! But keep kill in he, piggies!!!! ;D
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby Jagmaster » Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:41 am

Interesting game.

At first I was all like "Heh, I can just sit here in the bottom corner and spam the up and left arrows. hehehe piece of cake."

And then... the eggs stopped spawning... and I was like "Okay, did I win yet? Is that it?"

And then I started to move...

And then BOOM.

They came.

"OhCrap OhCrap OhCrap OhCrap OhCrap"

and then I died.

The end. :D

I think my record was about two hundred-something btw.

A few things to note -
  • level spawning spazzes out when I play a second time.
  • Kick-ass music is non existent. I can't hear the kick-ass music you were talking about. That doesn't kick ass at all. :(
  • I think it would be neat to have an option to control the green thing with the mouse.
  • It might break the monotony if the bullets coming from different directions could have different abilities. Like, front can only kill pink, left and right can only kill green, down can only kill yellow, etc. Also to avoid cheating, you should only be able to shoot in one direction at a time. I found myself mashing down all four keys at once, and it made it feel like I only really needed one key. Maybe put a limit to how long you can press a key until it overheats maybe?
  • Since these are pig eggs, they need to hatch into full size pigs at SOME point in the game. 'Jus say'n. :)
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby LeeFesler » Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:57 pm

Well the thing is with the music, I had to convert it to Ogg vorbis in order to work. But GE couldn't handle e loud high quality one, so I was stuck with what you hear. :/ I'm sorry. I can try turning down the other effects sounds a little bit! That's all I can do. Sorry.

But I currently have full grown pig art under development. ;D you read my mind dude. Lol

The issue with the mouse thing, is for one, idk how to random spawn so I made them spawn as you move, and it would actually be trick that way. But the menus are being fixed. Ready by next update. With more levels to try to get good at.

I will also make power ups and a multiplyer!!!! And I'm going to put in a WHOLE album of music in there. ;)
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Re: Kill Them PIG EGGS!!!! (Official Demo, BETA)

Postby CrackedP0t » Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:13 am

How to do random spawning:
In the New Timer dialog:
[*]Click on the menu that says "periodic"
[*]Choose Random
[*]In the input box with the label of "Max", enter the maximum time you want for the interval between timer events
[*]Do the opposite in the "Min" box
This will give you a timer that triggers at random intervals between the "Max" value and the "Min" value.
Hope this helps!

(Anyone know why the BBCode didn't work?)
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