Hello guys! This weekend I used the spare time to try a resurrect of a previous game I uploaded time ago (http://game-editor.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9705), focusing this time on the interface.
All the files ended by ".idi" contain the text for the Shop interface, being the ones who start with "shpd_" for the description of the items and the ones beginning with "shpn_" for the names and three letters for the language.
I didn't complete the text on this files and they're not well translated. You can open this files with a text editor (i.e. Notepad) to correct and add what you want even for your games.
This is what I've done so far.
Use the mouse to control everything.
(Shortcuts: B to open/close the Shop, M to open/close Menu, arrows/wasd to navigate through this menus and Space or Enter to select/confirm).
You can look at the scripts to see some comments of what is done.
I reached this point and I don't have as much time as before, so I don't know if still working on this or focus on other ideas . You can give me advice and, of course, use this project for your own games. I hope you like it.