I proudly present to you,
the game scaling system by lcl!
RESOLUTIONARY is my system that makes changing the games' resolution very
easy. You don't need to change your animations' sizes or to move your actors in the editor,
just draw the game to canvas in the size you want with this system!
You don't need to do anything else than to set the resolution you want at Game Properties
and then tell the program what is the old resolution to scale from. It is done by function called setSize(int size);
Input the old resolutions width to the function.
Then you have to set the center actor. All other actors positions will be calculated relatively to its position.
Use the function setCenterActor(char actorName[255]);
The actual drawing of actors happens by these four functions:
drawCenterActor(); draw the center actor in the middle of the view.
drawActor(char actorName[255]); draws the inputted actor relatively to the center actors position.
drawClonedActor(char actorName[255], int lim); will draw all instances of cloned actor until the limit cloneindex is reached.
drawAllActors(); will draw all the actors that the drawer canvas collides with except the center actor.
Remember to look at global code for learning how it works!

And remember, you can't use tiles, because GE's draw_from(); doesn't work with tile actors.
It's very bad limitation to this and I wish GE could soon be able to draw tile actors as well!

There is still some things to do and I will send updates as I get them done.

And please, give me feedback!!
Try it now!

ps. sorry for that the beginning of the post is quite exaggerative..